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Posts posted by Woodsman

  1. On 7/28/2019 at 9:33 PM, Hack_Fisherman said:

       The reason I’m asking, is because I’m wondering if there’s a correlation with the availability of good work.  If the area is economically depressed, so too are the people?   

    I work in Stratford, Ont. where the unemployment rate is one of the lowest in Canada. 

    Many places looking for help. 

    They still have a serious drug problem there.

    I agree that social/economic issues do play a role in the drug problem but it's not limited to economic depressed towns & cities.


  2. On 11/4/2018 at 1:33 PM, DropShot'r said:

     I clearly remember walking out to our trucks one evening in the middle of nowhere and the OPP were there to check us out.

    Not sure exactly what their legal function is with regards to game law enforcement, didn't feel it was necessary to ask the question that night.

    Maybe they are using the OPP to strengthen their ranks.

    Actually all police officers in Ontario by defination are also conservation officers.

    They can lay charges quite legally.

  3. On 11/10/2018 at 6:38 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

     Not only Canada didn't have a draft I've read that many as young as 15 lied about their age to sign up.


    Actually Canada did have a draft near the end of the 2nd World War. Those drafted had to volunteer to serve overseas. Many served in Canada but many also volunteered for overseas duty.

    As for underage volunteers yes many lied about their age. Some as young as 13.

    My father served in the Merchant Marines in WW2 & the Canadaian Army in Korea.

    I served 13 years in the Canadian Forces.

  4. Just got back from there last week.

    Don't worry about deer camps. Not a deer area. Yes there could be a few but generally very low deer populations.

    For camping area's look at either the sites along Red Squirrel Rd. or maybe Rabbit Lake Rd. Many nice lake front sites which don't see a lot of use this time of year.

  5. Old Ironmaker you have my sympathies for your situation.

    The thing with DNR orders is they are only enforceable with written doctors orders.

    Most times first responders will not have these available to them. Nor will emergency departments at hospital accept them without a written one on hand.

    Bracelets or tattoo's will not meet the requirements for first responders to accept.

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