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Posts posted by Woodsman

  1. Just because your insured doesn't mean you can ride on public roads.

    It will depend if local by-laws allow you to.

    If you plan on ice fishing inquire if your covered on the ice for liability?

    Some insurers graciously provide a free rider prohibiting operation on the ice (Intact is one). :(


    They can legally enforce pretty much any law on books including all fishing related laws.


    Police officers can enforce fishery laws just like a CO. However, they don't have the same training as COs so they usually only enforce basic laws such as fishing without a license. Snagging is a law that they could enforce.


    They can certainly do a lot more than enforce anti littering laws if they are interested in doing so.

    John where are you getting that By-Law officers "can legally enforce pretty much any law on books including all fishing related laws."

    The Fish & Wildlife Act doesn't included them as CO's but does include police officers.

  3. Keep all food in vehicles during the night there.

    The raccoons are plenty and smart.

    Ain't that the truth.

    As for shore fishing I never tried it. Always fished from a boat.

    Where the park is the water is generally fairly shallow.

    For eye's maybe some shallow running body baits after dark?

    Panfish off bobbers maybe?

  4. Your right, I'm wrong, nope I'm right you're wrong, no we're right they are all wrong.


    If we memorized the entire Ontario fishing regulations what would we argue about? Politics? I have read the regs. now I guess I better memorize them, when I get a life.

    Or how about not giving an opinion on a legality question when you haven't at least confirmed your viewpoint.

    Sometimes saying nothing is a smarter move.

  5. Truly sad news. I only met her once but it was at a Fishing for Tyler event.

    She was needing some minnows & I had lots so I gave her some of my blue ones(an oxygen type of puck to give extra O2).

    She was so thankful.

    Also enjoyed many of her posts.


  6. I am used to humps and edges being off, but still can't get over how off main buoy's were.

    Humps & edges don't move.

    Buoys can be moved.

    Does you GPS have optional GPS standards?

    If so insure the GPS is set to the same standard as the map your using.

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