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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Do people actually believe that meteorologists are 'bad at their jobs' when they miss a forecast. The weather network is a fantastic resource, so long as you're not expecting drastically unreasonable things out of them. Go earn meteorology degrees and show them what lazy bums they are lol!

  2. Well opening day was a scorcher, and the fishing was...lukewarm. The lakes are still ice cold so I opted to take advantage of what I thought would be some super shallow laker fishing. Miraculously, the trail into the lake [which was already brutal to begin with] had not deteriorated much at all over the winter and the old tundra made it in with relative ease.


    The fish were hungry but not where I was expecting them to be. Running keel weights [5/8 to 3/4 oz] and flutter spoons
    [snelled worm or none didn't seem to matter] over 50 + fow was the ticket to laker city. After a quick five fish we had just enough time to squeeze in a fantastic fresh shore lunch before dark. After an early departure to the tent I later found out the aurora borealis had been out that night and brighter than its been in quite some time.. :wallbash: Oh well


    The weather went for a dump for the rest of the weekend so that was it for me. Cold rain and overnight lows around zero most of this week will keep things nice and cool for a nice extended spring laker season. The walters can wait :w00t:




    First laker in a couple months...I was pumped!









    The spoils...




    Thanks for reading

  3. Sweet. Lots of lakes considered in 'the Kawarthas'...which lake, if you don't mind me asking. And if that inquiry this draws the ire of the Board...sorry...but there are a lot of lakes and a lot of square miles of water and therefore seems like a reasonable question. I don't think it would give anything away necessarily.

    Then why ask?


    Nice eyes mang. Things finally get rolling up here Sat.

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