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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Really? Caught many 3-4 lb. white bass at nuke plant in Pickering. Haven't been there for few years. It would be super cool to get into a 9 lb. wiper if they are there now too. Wipers at Pickering? Is this true?

    Yes i believe it was even featured in an ontario OOD. I used to catch lots of what i thought were huge white bass in the 3 to 4 lb. range...thinking some of the bigger ones may have been wipers...or i've caught multiple world record white bass haha

  2. You werent bullied...get over yourself dude lol. Ive been here years and am definitely not an 'old boy'...havent really had any issues. Still a daily visit for me, and love posting reports every now and then, even made some good friends along the way.


    A + OFC drama

  3. Seeing as how you contribute nothing except requests for people to share knowledge on spots they worked hard to figure out and just recently told off a bunch of members for looking out for your safety in a respectable manner, i dont expect much help coming your way.

  4. Casting, not trolling. I find they often hit a spoon when you kill it and let it flutter down (just like lakers and specks). I was fishing a splake lake last fall, and 2 guys trolling went past and said "that guy must think he's fishing for bass". 6 fish later they wanted to know what lure I was using.

    Absolutely. Splake, like lakers and specks, go into full spawning mode in october and start pushing shallow as soon as soon as the water starts to cool. I like to fish them like specks and cast into shoreline structure adjacent to deep water areas. Big boulders with 10 + FOW close by has been a top producing spot for me.


    If youre fishing with another person, try one person casting spinners like a no. 6 panther martin and the other with a slip floated worm and go from there!

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