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Posts posted by Joeytier


    I recall a French Canadian Prime Minister in the not so distant past who's English was so bad most folks had no clue what the heck he was saying, so I don't think it's a crime for English Canada to pronounce POOTEEN wrong :lol:

    But where is dee PROOF?


    Ya ya i know, but the OP asked about the proper pronounciation, which is poostin as far as i can tell as an anglophone working in quebec :)

  2. So if you're in Qweebek it's pootsin and in the rest of Canada it's pooteen. ;)


    PS I would have given the young lady a tip.

    A nice shiny penny!!! It makes a much better statement than nada.

    Probably would have left her a note on a napkin as well. :D

    Considering it's originally from quebec and a french word, id say theres a right way and a wrong way to pronounce it. :)
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