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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. The Fiberals have a proven track record, I have seen the proof and can't afford another round of their style of government. Unfortunatly that leaves a very limited choice because there is only one other real contender and even though they wouldn't be my first choice I feel like a vote for anyone else is just going to be a wasted vote.

    Please explain how voting for a party you agree with idealistically, yet certainly won't get any seats is a wasted vote yet voting for the lesser of two asshats since he is more likely to gain office isn't? I'm genuinely puzzled
  2. Our lake has Bass, Walleye and Muskie. After Ice out I won't fish it until bass opener. Lots of other lakes without spawning fish in it. Call me old fashioned I guess.


    Spinner, oh if only I could.


    Porkie, I've gotten more people interested in fishing and the environment with 'those damn things' then anything else. Kids and people with a short attention span love catching fish. Get them hooked bringing in countless bass then teach them patience with other species.

    That's just silly. Your lake is stupid with fat walleye and the bite is usually red hot right about now! :)

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