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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. We're about on track for a normal winter here, maybe a little lighter than average on the snow pack. We'll see what February brings. A lot nicer than last year anyway, if the trail wasnt broken by mid-Jan you could forget about it until mid-March lol

  2. Well, today was the day that poor my old 6x8 utility trailer decided to say enough is enough with friggin logging roads and snapped like a twig :(




    Managed to make the best of it, threw everything in the truck and still had an enjoyable day in the bush, but still a disappointment nonetheless.







    Let's hear about some of your trailer disasters!

  3. If you really want your manual augering to be far less work, buy a Fin-Bore auger. The blade design is far superior and the handles are offset. I bought a swede-bore a few years ago in a pinch when it was my only option and I couldnt believe how much worse it was. I havent used it since.

  4. Of course I could never understand what they were and are continuing to go through, but that does not mean I can not express my disappoint to treat their ill child.


    The main source of my disappointment is not this case specifically, but rather the trend of parents clinging to sensationalist, anti-scientific 'miracle' natural cures for diseases such as this. The parents later blaming the chemo as the cause got me more than a little riled up. That's all.

  5. Raw food, vitamin C injections, and cold laser therapy for treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I'm far from a medical professional but someone please show me the credible peer-reviewed scientific papers demonstrating the effectiveness of ANY of these treatments for acute stages of leukemia. How is this is not criminal?

  6. Zero issues with alcohol


    Many issues with stupidity

    Seeing as how this board is comprised of mostly NF posts (many of which posted by yourself) these days, I don't really understand your initial post, other than it upsetting you personally. That was never my intent, but It is something I have very strong convictions about, and since I had just read the article and was very steamed about it, I figured this would be a good venue for discussion on the topic, given the history of more than a few posters here. Passive (internet) aggression won't do much, I don't think.

  7. .. people believing in medicine, homeopathy, God, the devil and everything in between and way too many lost from ALL paths!

    That doesn't mean that all should be treated with equal respect in the face of overwhelming evidence and when childrens lives are on the line, although I suspect you don't need to hear my opinion on the issue.

  8. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/120823/canada-lets-makayla-sault-die-leukemia-over-religious-sensitivity


    I'm usually not one to get overly bent out of shape about our governments crippling fear of offending anyone or any culture, but this one really struck a nerve for me. Homeopathy is not mediicine, and our country's court system has allowed 1 and potentially another child to die of very preventable diseases in the name of 'cultural sensitivity'...I am disgusted beyond words so I'll just re-post what I already put on facebook...


    "We officially have an epidemic of parents that, after reading a few anti-scientific alternative 'medicine' blogs (i'm using that term very loosely) feel like they are more qualified to make life-altering (or ending) decisions for their childrens health than people that have devoted their entire life to fight and cure VERY treatable diseases, and our spineless government ruled in the parents favour, essentially allowing 1, and maybe 2 ontario children to die of very preventable diseases. I have no doubt they loved their children, but I sincerely hope they are convicted of manslaughter and never procreate again."


    Okay I'm done, and I need a drink

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