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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. My dad was there this past summer. Lake is huge and the wind was high almost the entire week (close to n. shore of superior so weather is a wildcard). Walleye fishing was mostly terrible, don't remember exact numbers, only the massive disappointment haha


    I'm sure the lake produces good fishing at times, but if you're making a substantial trip like I definitely would not reccomend it. My 0.02

  2. That said, and you are correct.... Is not what hunting was meant to be.... It was to put food on the table.


    Now it's about bling, camp patterns etc.... Anything to sell something....





    Tried to ignore this...but can't...sorry but that's astoundingly ignorant. Try telling that to anyone in any small northern community where the fall moose/deer/bear hunt is a rite of passage, and an important family gathering that doesn't have a damn thing to do with consumerism, flashy gear or anything of the like. To generalize the entire hunting community like that is pretty ridiculous, not to mention downright false.

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