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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Early season tactic? Don't use leadcore for one thing. I like flatlining smaller gangtrolls with your favorite flutter spoon 2-3 feet back. On a lake im unfamiliar with I will just troll the shoreline until I find what I'm looking for, which is usually boulder flats in 15-30 fow. Last summer we never saw surface temps over 70 so nothing heavier than a 3 oz bottom bouncer was necessary, but that can get me down 40+ feet slow trolling with braid. Lot more fun catching 2 pound Lakers on a light casting outfit and a small weight than a telephone pole with 10 tons of cable on it lol

  2. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Our lake trout winter season was reduced to 1 month (mid-Feb to mid-March), and there are far more fisheries in that area under heavy pressure I would imagine. I anticipate a closed winter season on lake trout and brook trout, with the exception of stocked fisheries of course.


    And I would support it

  3. I have a dealer about an hour south of me in Bonfield, which is where the motor is being sold from. Sounds like my decision is all but made. The motor is priced at $2000 for brand new non-current 9.9, which is good considering that I'm seeing 2-4 year old Merc 8 and 9.9's going for upwards of $2500!

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