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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. I guess I'm a sucker for wasting about 5 whole dollars pre year for easy preventative maintenance on all my motors.


    Just put about half a can in snowmobile for its last tank of the season. Hopefully burn it all tomorrow and she'll be ready to fog for the summer.

  2. Pulled this gorgeous mint condition wooden boat outta the bush while speckin today...and she floats!




    I thought about strapping on the merc and takin er for a rip down the lake but figured it would serve us better as a heat source, so we sacrificed it via campfire to the brookie gods, and were rewarded with a modest bounty...




    -18 this morning but my raccoon eyes tell me that spring is not far off. Another 3-4 weeks of safe hard water fishing then the sled goes away...I hope!

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