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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. I've always heard of pike being caught there, but I've never done it myself. I'd say the better bet would be to fish down on the end of Brock Street, at the old boat launch and all along the boardwalk in the Whitby marina. I've heard of many pike being caught there. The creek doesn't get much in the way of rainbow, but there's always the possibility, and of course it's full of carp.


    Hope that helps.

  2. Decided to hit the lake and try for some trout, since the conditions were perfect. NO wind, incredibly overcast skies, and a day after a strong east wind (which means off-colour water) meant perfect conditions too good to pass up.


    We were fishing by around 5 and found some action right off the bat when I hit one on a twitchbait, only to have line break at the knot. The fish proceeded to dance around on the surface with my bait in its mouth. The next 70-80 minutes or so were quite slow.


    Things started to pick up once we found a productive trolling pattern. The majority of our fish came while bringing our baits over a steep drop off tapering off from 9 to 14-15 feet trolling crocodiles and cyclops in natural finishes. We ended up finishing 9 for 11. I was more than happy. There is nothing that compares to the bone jarring hit of a brown.


    The biggest fish, weighing in at almost nine pounds exactly.



    The bigger of the two we landed on a double header right at dusk. From this view, it only looks about 4-5 pounds, but it was incredibly fat, that it was closer to eight.



    The fog was extremely thick, and coming back after dark was a chore, and saw a boat out there running without lights on. Not a very good idea. :dunno:


    Now, back to the tribs with me.

  3. Well, I wasn't expecting quite this much of a backlash, considering that exact same bridge had been posted in TWO separate reports BEFORE mine no more than a week ago. :lol:

    Grow up, the word is out on it.

    Also, to the user who was concerned with my fish handling techniques....How else do you suggest I handle a fish for photos? Steelhead, especially smaller ones are nearly impossible to tail, which I'm sure you know, and I make a point of avoiding the actual gills every time. Also, I use the net at the creek because the majority of the holes are quite steep and difficult for landing fish. The fish are not in the net for long. Trust me, I do my best to ensure the safe handling of the fish. I understand the concern regarding widespread knowledge of small, fragile streams such as this one, and pretty much every stream in the GTA, but I'd say the bigger issue is the lack of knowledge regarding the fragility of these ecosystems. Not only do we need more CO's, but just an overall sense of ecological morality, and I'd like to think the tribs can easily sustain a large number of fisherman year after year.


    My 2 cents. I'm done with this thread. :lol:

  4. If this river hadn't already been posted multiple times on this board, I wouldn't have posted these pictures, but it's not like it's a secret any longer. Also...

    Way to gill rake everyone of those fish

    Do you think we're harming the fish by holding them like that? We weren't coming in contact with the gills themselves, just grabbing underneath the gill plate.

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