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ken wasik

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About ken wasik

  • Birthday 10/02/1964

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  • Interests
    Love to fish, Pike, Musky, Pickerel, Bass on topwater,

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  1. putting the boat into the magnetawan river in about an hour, sun is up , it is going to be an awsome day. LOOK OUT PIKE, HERE I COME>

    1. ken wasik

      ken wasik

      will take pics and give report at end of day, after last cast



      good luck, hope the sun heats things up a bit, the pike are a bit behind this year

  2. Great find. Makes you wonder what else is down there. Kinda scary too.
  3. love the Fords, got a 09 F-150
  4. I actually have a couple dragon fly lures, they are great. Made by river2sea.
  5. That was great.
  6. going to blow off chores for the day. I'm going fishin. Live in Mississauga, any suggestions on where to go that is not a 2 hr drive

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Go to island lake. Nab a crappie.

    3. jbailey


      PC then grab a beer at the brogue.

    4. ken wasik

      ken wasik

      ok PC then beer for today.

  7. I fish the Magnetawan about 20 mins south of the French. Been fishing there about 5yrs. I use 50lb braid with a 150lb mono leader(18in). Also spent the cash on Kevlar gloves, long needle nose pliers ( 16in ). Love having the musky cradle, makes it super easy to get it in the boat with less stress on fish. will be up there tues to fri all summer.
  8. My weekends are Tuesday to Friday. Very quiet on the water, nobody ripping around in their boat. fish where and for as long as I want. Love It.
  9. waiting for first trip up north. itching to put boat in and go.



      i leave tonight, tinner magic begins tomorrow!

  10. Have a new shift at work. Work Sat, Sun, Mon, 12hr shifts, off Tues to Friday. My goal is to really hit the bass and perch in the Magnettawan. Lots of pike and pickerel in river too. Left my boat up north for the winter.(won't do that again). I also want to learn the lakes close to the GTA. Some info on this would be very helpful.
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