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Posts posted by forrest

  1. I know squat about bombadier....I only read a story on their snowmobile sales. I do know that last winter it was a lot cheaper to buy one in the states. So if you want to compare the used to the new price check the US price.



  2. Have done the research previously: Bleach or ammonia are not a proper mould remediation solutions.

    If you mix both bleach and ammonia together you might kill yourself (toxic fumes).


    As an alternate concentrated tea tree (really tiny bottle) with citric and vinegar and water has been successful but the solution is a bit stinky.




  3. I have the same batteries and charger.


    I called the battery manufacturer when I got them. They told me the best way to set the charger is to set it to AGM, and 10A.


    That what I have used for 2 years and they have worked flawlessly.



    Thanks Lundby....great stuff.


    I want to go fishing today and the manufacturers are closed.



  4. Maybe this extra info will be useful to someone in the know. This is the information from the battery spec sheet:

    Alternator: 13.65 to 15.0 volts

    Battery Charger (Constant Voltage):

    13.8 to 15.0 volts; 10 amps maximum; 6-12 hours approximate

    Float Charge:

    13.2 to 13.8 volts; 1 amp maximum (indefinite time at lower


    Rapid Recharge:(Constant voltage charger)

    Maximum voltage 15.6 volts. No current limit as long as battery

    temperature remains below 125°F (51.7°C). Charge until

    current drops below 1 amp.

    Cyclic or Series String Applications:

    14.7 volts. No current limit as long as battery temperature

    remains below 125°F (51.7°C). When current falls below 1 amp,

    finish with 2 amp constant current for 1 hour.

    All limits must be strictly adhered to.

    I think this means that I can charge this battery at 10A until I hit 15V and then manually stop the charger.

    what is "cyclic or series string applications" mean?


    What charger can I get that will let me make these setting.....my cahrger manual is not specific on what it is doing when charging.



  5. I just bought an Optima AGM deep cycle marine battery (Costco sells them for $176, walmart $234)


    I also have a CTC Intellegent charger (one of the Schumacher ones). It has 2 setting I have to make:


    1) Charge current 10A, 6A, 2A

    2) reg, AGM, Deep cycle.


    Well my battery is a Deep cycle AGM. I can't pick both AGM and Deepcycle. What am I to do?





    BTW: this charger won't do for keeping a top up charge on the battery...I need a 1A charger for that.

  6. continuous stream of thought:


    -Having a fish hit the lure will not make people say "I am going to buy that lure for sure!" it will just keep people from thinking "this company can't get a fish to bite their lure if they tried!"


    -What good is seeing a lure from the front, or even the side? People see their lures mostly from the top so seeing that lure wiggle int he water does nothing for me.

    -Thousand of lures wiggle, whats great about this wiggle?

    -What speed is the lure going? Walleye speed? Musky speed? slow retrieve speed?

  7. Does anyone know any spots where I could wade in and fish pads?? I wouldnt mind gettin the waders out and goin topwater.


    I agree with Canadian_copper. I wouldn't was 5 foot into that water covered bog.


    I made my own mistake in another small pond a few weeks ago when wading in for a lure. It was a rocky and solid bottom for the first 10 feet then "woosh!!' I went from thigh deep to chest deep mud and water. My own fault the signs pointed endless muddy bottom. Luckily I did not get hurt and was able to swim the next 10 feet for the lure :P.



  8. the switching configuration is the same, push right to go right, left to go left, demand and constant on switch push down for demand yada yada yada.. Slide bar for speed control and so on. It also has seven wires controlling the circutry. So, IMHO it can be done. Just have to figure out which wire does what.

    Thanks for the response!


    I know what you are saying hometown, but, you already matched and hooked up all the wires. Its not magic. I see 6 possibilities here:


    1) you broke a wire in its sleeve and did not realize it...use a dmm to check connectivity

    2) you pulled a wire loose on the old motor, open it up and check connectivity.

    3) you did a bad job of cleaning then joining the wires. Physical then solder connection is best (yeah...I am pretty sure you did it right).

    4) Minn Kota changed their coloring scheme (unlikely)

    5) The new pedal unit is bad

    6) The new pedal unit is not compatible. I know squat about the pedals but its an easy guess.


    get back when you find the culprit!



  9. If I hook each end to a battery post only the green comes on. Even if I switch wires. Maybe bad bulb??


    Everyone is right on this one.


    -bad bulb


    -bad wire

    -loose connection


    Since it is a new unit all are likely suspects. Further hands on inspection is required.



  10. My wife keeps telling me that a camera adds about 20 lbs. But I would guess it adds only a couple of pounds in this one. You got to wonder why people take pictures of fish so far away from the body. It's the oldest trick in the book when you want to add a couple of pounds to the fish. That's why I have a measuring guide in my boat. If I want to prove a length the picture is taken beside it.



    I place a full bucket of water in the boat. Each big fish gets submerged and I measure the displacement. My biggest bass is 3 litres :w00t:

  11. No I bought new one. a combined unit as the one on her had a busted lens and bulb. This one I bought has two wires comming out. But the old ones were joined together and hooked to the live and the negative was grounded to the boat. I think it may be a switch problem.


    Where is the pic?


    I am pretty sure that stuff is not supposed to be grounded to the boat. Get it fixed up right pronto.


    one hot, one ground: If you get power to one bulb the only reason that the other bulb is not lighting up is due to a defective unit or an unseated bulb. Take it back and exchange it.



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