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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. I maybe out of the loop, but has the ministry gone paperless on the fishing /hunting regulations. I've been to BPS and CanTire and they don't seem to know. Even sevice ontario doesn't know. Govt sites are a pain in the rear end to deal with so I hope they are just slow this year. Any insite?
  2. Just fantastic! The colors on all those fish were amazing! Great day on the ice, thanks for the adrenaline rush!
  3. how about an 87 evinrude 20 hp long for 500? my buddy has one in his garage and needs the space . i would buy it but i need a short shaft argggh!
  4. There are other fisheries close by that may open if water levels are adequate with sufficient safe ice. PM me
  5. conservation areas in this vacinity are quite often changing the rules and reg's depending on water levels, species catch limits, and over-all fishery limitations.Get on the phone and talk to the employees to get a good grasp on what's what. i used to fish another conservation area close to mountsberg. of late it's hit or miss in the winter because of these fluctuations.
  6. good to hear , thx for the heads up
  7. Got off work early on monday so i quickly loaded my gear in the truck and headed for the hunting area. i knew it had snowed there sunday evening so this was gonna be a tell-all of what is on the property, can't hide much in 3 in of fresh snow. good sign ,i'll hunt it. not the case. sadly the doe i had seen with twins earlier this year is now missing one. another single set of tracks trailing them a few hours more recent, great! was quite happy to find a scrape,but that was shortlived.checked areas where we've usually found most of the buck sign this year, just the one scrape.the first snow always mixs things up a bit but not much to go on. New owners of the property were kind enough to let us continue to hunt the land {bonus}but have restricted us to certain areas because they are now living there full time,understandably. I grabbed a stand i'm no longer using and hit the road. i'll give it a try in two weeks ,but for now i'll try another area i have permisssion to hunt near keswick. this ain't over yet!
  8. was out today again near keswick, in the stand from 6 15til 11 00. took a break. back at it from 145 til dark. nothing moved though the area has tons of tracks and trails. a good 10 in of snow today but you'd think something would move toward the food source. nocturnal deer in a low pressure arera? must be. scratching my head here. congrats to those who did well ,good luck to those still at it . thanks guys for your input.
  9. As a bow hunter, my deer season starts early oct. pre ruts vary when they start and stop but by now the rut is usually in full swing.not the case this year . scrapes made in early nov haven't been reworked , no rubs. i see heavy tracks in my area but no evidence of buck activity. also the gun season was very quiet this year . i let a doe and her young twins walk past at 18 yds first nite and haven't seen a deer since.ive given up and moved to a new property giving up my doe tag, can't use it in the new area, it's that bad. anyone else feeling the sting of a bizarre season?
  10. looks great jacques. lots of work! pretty thick woods, shotgun i'm thinking? beavers dammed up a river in the back forty where i hunt. i just put up a tree stand for bow hunt. first time across that river in a long time. water was always to high. maybe a foot deep now behind the dam. quite excited for mondays opener for compound. good luck with those mushrooms and droppin a good deer. thx for sharin your enthusiasm on your pre-hunt set-up. right there with ya.
  11. thanks guys. first time out, better to be lucky than good some would say, i'll take it. fantastic tablefare. i'm glad i boned it 'cause this way i can sneak some into wraps for my daughter. she's a little anti wild stuff but i'm tryin. went out today , notta. tomorrow i'm in a new area, we'll see. talk about being over confident, i asked my deer huntin buddy to come and do the vid. one bird , now i'm making how-to's. i'm already laughing , you can to. thanks again for your responses. bob
  12. thanks for admitting . not just me. i can't wait to back in the woods. 35 yrs hunting and this is something new, a challenge. so interactive
  13. i was a wreck, i had to sit down. then , i started callin distant relatives too! crazy. just great.
  14. you might think so judging from that pic. sharp eye aplumma, but not one pellet in the breast. broke the wing bone and took out neck area.boned it because it's just me eating it so i had to portion it out. i found a very small pellet in the leg, way to small for the no. 4 shot i was using.more like 7n half.someone else hit this bird sometime recently.kept the bb. low neck shot ,yes. i didn,t get a chance to practise with the shot i used because my first hunt came up unexpectantly but i couldn't pass cause i wasn't ready. i was terrified i'd miss my first turkey if i aimed a bit off to protect the breast.i lucked out large! nothing wasted.federal premium mag shok 38 yards,paced. flipped upside down, dead. i shook for 15 minutes after. i've taken a few deer now ,bow and gun , but this bird got to me! first time gitters!! bought my second tag and off work for a couple days , fingers crossed for the gobblers i heard after i dropped this tom.
  15. thanks misfish, it's my first beard. got a few other pictures ,, just can't get 'em on board yet. cheers.
  16. some time ago i asked about anyone knowing where to get your hands on a steel ice fishing rod. can tire used to have em , but no longer. great for ice pike.then hello, not only does this guy have one but offers a great two for one deal,,, which excludes himself! he says , i've got the rod but it'll cost you a coffee. one for each of the 4 girls at the office. you should talk to mary. talk to mary,i did . she's very nice.hi mary, i'm bob. oh, you're looking for this? mary displays a brand new metal ice rod with the price tag still on it. the ladies get coffees , i get an ice rod,,, vinnimon,,,you get a seat in the karma cafe. incredible generousity , thanks again. vinnimon.
  17. My first time hunting turkey
  18. Hey guys, Been so long since I've posted anything, forgotten how to do it. I've attempted to upload new pictures,but it keeps telling me that the file is too big, however it's only a picture. How do I go about doing it? appreciate any help
  19. at least 4 gobblers still in the area ! honestly , i've been dealt a great hand here.our field then a long field in front ,, then a long strip of woods . 6 maybe 700 yards. birds fired up all along the edge but won't commit. but that's after 2 shots fired so morning may be different.i'm gonna move my set-up, call a little different an try to flirt with these big boys.
  20. how do i know, what should i be looking for?
  21. fiddleheads AND some trout? man you're living well!
  22. just a footnote i guess. love fishing,hunting,but a spring hunt is fantastic! i miss the fall deer hunt, so now it's not that far aay again, you know? pike opens very soon , so i'm not missing a beat!!season to season. good times.
  23. thanks guys. i'll get photos done sunday. took a couple measurements. beard at 9in. spurs 13/16. wings and beard ,, really worn!!struttin'hard for a while i guess. don't know how to age toms ,anyone know.i'd like to know as much as i can about these guys.feel bad for my host hunter, he fired and missed his tom. ouch! i left , the guest ,with a great bird. he seemed very ok, really pleased he put me on my first turkey. i sure let him know how much i appreciated the opportunity!great guy . goin again in the mornin.damn , it's gettin late! nite
  24. turned out better than i thought possible. my new hunting partner i and met up and exchanged plans for the morning hunt. as soon as we get out of our trucks , gobbler fires up. he went north ,me south. last years corn stubble is sticking out a bit ,but a real good field to set up as birds are noticeable as they peek over the hump in the field to check things out.i started with a light yelp ,then clucked a bit.. 15 minutes, that tom ran straight at me stopped at the decoy and stayed in strut way too long. patience ,, gone. it couldn't have gone any better.didn't have a chance to weigh it but was told for sure over 20 lbs. 40 yds '3in mag. remington express pump did it's job. got a few pictures , just been a while since i,ve posted any . i'm on it.
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