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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. Well it's totally legal up here. And where I plan to set them, no one walks there dogs that far back. I think I gunna play it safe and set 6, considering that's the legal limit for snowshoes up here.



    just looked agian and in my wmu there is no limit on hares.

  2. recently ive become interested in snaring snowshoe hares. i have not set any snares yet but i plan to soon. i was just looking through the regs online and i cant seem to find a limit on the number of snares a person with a valid small game licence can use? does anyone know?




  3. Went out with some friends today to a lake we never fished. We were told to try this lake by a few of my friends as they told us about the natural Lake and Brook trout in the lakes behind Echo Bay. We got to the lake by sled around 8 o'clock and hole drilled by 8:10... first hole i had my minnow stripped twice lol in 5 minutes. But of course the newby has to get the first fish... well im not counting my first fish, if u can call a 8 inch laker a fish haha.


    a nice 4.5-5 pound laker!


    i was up next with a nice speck



    i didnt know specks could be so stupid lol... i lost this fish twice b4 i got her all the way up. while she was comming up the hole, she decided to spit the spoon! but i wasnt gunna let her get away that easy haha :P i slamed my arm into the hole and got her behind the gill plates b4 she could take off haha my buds couldnt belive it lol


    then the invasion of 12 inch lakers haha no pictures taken


    but we brought home 3 fish so it wasnt to bad



    these lakes have so much potential i cant wait to go back!

  4. well we didnt make it up there... we had to head south to Cloudy. There was a good 10-11 inches of black ice there, seen a bunch of fish on the flasher but they had tight lips today. My bud Cody had a good one on but lost it due to inexperience lol. i had a few mised hits, and one small 2 pounder on the ice but that was it!

  5. I have used that style of hook without the plastic keeper for a while. Infact the ones I use have a big barb near the eye insted. I find with these hooks u can get a hook into the roof of the mouth of a big largie much eaiser and makes them harder to loose. It has something todo with the direction of pull.

  6. I did the same thing a few years back Snowboarding, i shatterd my wrist in three places, snaped my radius and fractured my ulna, and fractured my humerus.. was not very fun! i had 3 pins put in my wrist and was out of commision for 3 weeks before the doctors had to re-break it!! i still cringe when i think about it! and then had to deal with a full arm cast for another 6 weeks, then a forarm cast for another 2!!

  7. I recieved a Lamson Konic for christmas last year. And it has done everything i expected and more! This year alone it handled smallies, walleye, pike, and almost a muskie lol. When i took it to the rivers i was evern more impressed! i landed well over 100 pink salmon, i dont know how many king salmon over 20 lbs and even some steelies! the drag still feels like it was straight out of the box! i would buy another in a heartbeat! and it retails well under $300

  8. So this year has been my best year for fishing by a long shot! I got to fish some places other anglers can only dream about!


    As most of you know i scored a wicked co op placment/ job/ amazing fishing! I got to spend my entire summer working on the famous Lake Of The Woods! i worked as a Dockhand/ Guide out of Totem Resorts/ Wiley Point. I could go on forever about this place but ill just let the pictures do the talking.


    well i started out being able to catch as many walleye off the dock as i wanted!






    and same with the pike!







    And even the odd muskie was caught! off the dock!



    If i remeber corectly there was 6 off the dock this year!


    Then it was on to the smallies!





    And a bunch of randoms!







    me and a guest with a 31.5" walleye





    my little bro with a 29" walleye his PB




    hers a list of my biggest fish:

    Walleye: 32 inches

    Pike: 41.5"

    Muskie: only a 42"

    Bass: 5 lbs multiple 4 plus..

    crappie: my pb at just over 16" no pic tho...


    I have hundreds of more photos but i think that give a good summary!


    So then its back to school time! lucky for me i can still fish haha.

    i put up a little video on youtube with only a few pics taken from this year!

    plenty of steelies have been brought to the net! i personally have caught more steelies this year then ever before! i belive im approching 30 steelhead this fall alone! thats alot for me considering i only got 5 last year!


    Anyways thanks for reading i hope u enjoyed it!... I sure did!! :P

  9. I think one of the reasons bass fishing is good in Ontario is the closed spring season which allows a successful spawn.


    Just sayin not all of ontario has a closed spring bass season ;) Northwestern ontario for example! bass are open there all year... well except for december 24 lol, i never understood that haha. and the bass fishing up there is still unreal! i went out plenty of days this year and nailed 50 plus smallies! but im not sayin that all of ontario should have a spring season!

  10. cleos work great in faster flows i find, spinners seem to work better for me in slower water. i like to keep them near bottom, so my spoons can stay down deeper just because there heavier. green silver and chartuce silver are my favs! o and when they hit, wait for that first run before you do anything haha

  11. Is a Ling the same as a Dog fish? I caught a Dog fish in Simcoe and was told to kill it b/c it was an invasive species.


    lol invasive??? haha no the "Dogfish" which is acctually called Bowfin, is not an invasive species... native to ontario... dont kill them for no reason

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