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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. Me and a couple of friends got out yesterday on the kayaks.  Despite the wind and some rain it was a great day. We had six yaks on the water and we caught lots of bass and pike, though nothing of any size. No walleye were caught.

    It was a great day and I was happy to be out paddling with a good group of like minded kayakers.



  2. 1 hour ago, scuro2 said:

    Best comment by far! Nothing like straight up mockery to shoot down dumb ass comments.

    It's always nice when I check in to see what I've missed and find that some fine individual has already said what needed to be said.

    Thanks scuro2! 

  3. 1 hour ago, craigdritchie said:

    IF YOU ARE LOOKING AT BUYING AN AMERICAN-MADE BOAT, you better get on your horse and do it asap. 

    A timely hint for anyone in the market  for a new boat right now, thanks. Ironically, I just sold my used boat, they'll be going up in value too as people turn to the used market. I'm still happy with the price I got for mine, but timing is a funny thing.

  4. Anyone on the board used a Garmin Striker 4?

    I use a Humminbird 345c which I like but it's my ice fishing finder too. The Striker 4 is quite affordable, so if it's as good or better I may put it on the kayak and use the 345c strictly for ice. Would be nice to have GPS too....

  5. Thanks for all the advice guys. I know lots of guys who have had good luck buying used, it's just not my thing.

    I decided to grab the Aventa, $160 is a decent deal and if I don't like the feel of it when I get it in my hands I'll send it back.

    Now I just need a rod..... 

  6. So I'm thinking of getting a centerpin, but I'm broke (because of fishing I might add lol). I can get a good deal ($160) on a new Okuma Aventa.

    I know there are better reels, but they're likely not in the budget. I'm just curious if anyone who has used the Aventa can give me some feedback.

  7. 3 minutes ago, atvaholic said:

    Yes, that's exactly what this was. I'm angry that she released the animals to come chase us. If my children were with me(they weren't this time but often are), this would have ended very very badly.

    You should contact the local police and/or bylaw enforcement and file a complaint that you were chased by unleashed dogs.

  8. On 2018-04-30 at 5:25 PM, GBW said:

    Nice fish and so close to home.  I'd have stayed in had I seen that black cloud in pic's 2 and 3...  :D 

    I am quite the artiste, no? ?

    18 hours ago, Thrilla said:

    Went 5/10 on a Huron trib opening day. Surprised at the lack of people. Not a bad thing lol

    I was pleasantly surprised that the Ganny wasn't too busy for us either. Sounds like you had good fishing yourself. 5/10 would be a banner day for me!

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