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Triton Guy

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About Triton Guy

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  1. This is the best time of year for sports
  2. Sweet ride!
  3. I am looking to sell my Triton if your interested? Cheers 7 TG
  4. I would settle for $50 as it didnt cost you anything. Cheers TG
  5. Try this guy he was really reasonable for the work he did to my motor. He is in Sutton on Baseline Road next to the york regional police station. Alec http://www.dcmarineservices.com/
  6. How thick is the ice in this video? TG
  7. Well guys I have been to Missouri and back to pick up my boat. When I entered Canada customs they asked what I had to declare and I responded with the boat on the back and 4 cases of beer. They told me to go inside their office to pay the duty on my declared stuff. Once inside I had all the legal documents I needed for her to process the boat . The boarder person asked my son and I how long we had been in the states and we responded with 48 hours. She actually let us each declare $800.00 each towards the tax on the boat for a total of $1600.00. Now how many boarders official would have done that fore you. All in all in took 20 minutes and we were done. Just before we left the counter she says I forgot to charge you duty on all the beer. Then replies with its ok guys you paid enough taxes today, Have a nice day. And we were gone. Over all it was a really easy process. Triton Guy This was a couple of months ago. It was really easy for me to bring it back.
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