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Posts posted by AKRISONER

  1. I’m a tournament bass fisherman, so yes I absolutely have bias, however I’m also 99% of the time exclusively a catch and release angler. I can tell you right now, that the responsibility of keeping your catch alive during a tournament is paramount to all participants.

    Moving bass tournaments away entirely from catch and release is not the objective to save a resource, there are plenty of studies conducted by texas fish and wildlife on how tournaments impact fisheries, at such an higher level of depth than gord or anyone at the entire MNR can even fathom. Share lunker and their entire scientific approach to growing bass fishing in the state of texas makes our entire program a complete joke.


    people tend to forget entirely that tournaments are always held with your catch and retain limits in mind, therefore every single angler was within their rights to literally kill every single last fish that they weighed from the particular body of water that day. 

    Now I understand that everyone loves the concept of MLF where you weigh your fish at the point of capture, however you forget that every single boat then requires a Marshall with a high end scale to record the fish. Also, guess what, MLF just moved back to a 5 fish weigh limit this season because they realized the appeal had taken a significant hit.

    I guess there is no need for a tournament blast off, or official weigh in…jeez this is all starting to sound like taking away a bunch of the appeal  of tournament fishing. Maybe you can’t appreciate it, or don’t understand the appeal.

    anyone that does can tell you that there aren’t many feelings like blastoff and running a bass boat full bore to that honey hole and catching a big one. If that makes me wrong, then I guess I don’t wanna be right lol.

    I guess you can ask the entire economy of tournament bass fisherman to entirely move over to a catch measure release tournaments, to me it starts sounding a heck of a lot like our recent gun laws, making up rules targeting people that do things legally and doing nothing to stop guys like crow’s neighbours. 

    crow we have a similar problem up at our place, there’s a very strict fish sanctuary in parry sound, most people appreciate the border, but my neighbor have now started downrigging the fish sanctuary pretending that they are “salmon fishing”


    they then proceed to post pictures of their laketrout catches on Facebook. That one irks me so bad.

    I’ll add, I sure as hell also hope that they don’t open up the pre-spawn season to tournaments, leave that be, you can allow for guys to go target some pre spawn fish and snap a picture and measure their trophies, but we definitely don’t need guys livewelling during that time of year when there are no retention limits in place. I guess the kayak guys woulD be happy. 

    also why in the hell is the province not doing anything about getting tournament directors to direct their funds back to the resource. That one drives me nuts, some of these guys are operating corporate cash cows with no need to pay back into the resource. The other one that bothers me is the complete lack of weigh in standards in bigger tournaments. It’s one thing for 5 boats at my local clubby to weigh fish, it’s another to have a disaster like B1 pulled off a few years back with awful holding tank procedures which resulted in a gigantic die off, the guy then stole a bunch of money, just craziness. 

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  2. just watching bassmaster live today and it occured to me almost every single pro in this event is running lithium batteries, I think 5 years ago? Not a single boat would have been running lithium? Lead acid is basically quickly becoming a dinosaur. Unfortunately I needed new batteries last year and couldnt front the bill for a new charger and batteries to go lithium, but im basically 100% certain when these ones go, ill be making the switch.

    Ive made the switch for my ice fishing eletronics, to say that im blown away with the performance would be an understatement. I ran livescope and a 10 inch screen all day last weekend and was still reading 13.1volts at 5 in the evening.

  3. 19 minutes ago, smitty55 said:

    You can assume that if you like. I just saw it as stating the results from testing of the present lithium battery EV technology.  Kind of hard to assume what advancements there will be. Bottom line is that all batteries don't perform well in cold climates like most of Canada has. Add heavy loads to them and it just gets worse.


    call me crazy...but if I think of my buddies 2004 chevy, that thing burned like 30+L/100 when towing, we were pulling over to fill up for gas every few hours too and that was just skidoos!

    I 100% agree, a 2023 ford lightning is probably a terrible option for towing a giant camper, thats the job of a diesel for sure. No different than towing my 20 foot glass boat, it gets towed by a diesel too.

  4. I’m going to be on the ice tomorrow, whether it’s briefly or I actually fish time will tell lol. Let’s hope the briefly doesn’t end by surprise.

    I do gotta laugh…we almost had a perfect set up with a couple of cold nights lined up to tighten things up a bit…nah forget that if that’s going to happen, better get a quick insulating dumping of snow in just as the thermometer hits 0 again…we can’t win this year I tell ya.

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  5. As always, most people will get along if they can be sensible. One of my best friends is a big QANON guy. Point being contrary to some, you just can’t take yourself too seriously and you will get along fine with anyone. 

    Society is somewhat the victim of an artificial intelligence system that is running loose on the fact that conflict ensures the most engagement, more engagement means more ad $.


    I have basically 0 doubt that if everyone on this forum aside from a very select few extra Crusty characters would get along if thrown in a boat and made to fish with one another. 

    heck, join a bass club, you’ll get thrown in a boat with anyone…I’ve yet to have a co angler that I didn’t have something in common with lol.

    I see a pretty healthy conversation about technology in here, what an absolutely wild world we live in, 15 years ago electric cars were basically a “concept” now you pull up to an intersection and one of the vehicles is going to be electric. 

    some bad news out of ford, apparently they have ceased manufacturing the lightning due to a battery safety concern. Imo par for the course for FORD…I would expect even worse from my own truck maker RAM.

    funny is the current line of chev ice trucks are having major major injector issues, you’d think they would have that figured out by now lol. 

    • Like 1
  6. You know what’s one component of cars ev or other that hasn’t changed? The disc brake.

    whoever invented the caliper rotar combo is a bloody wizard, the invention was so good thay not a single manufacturer has a disc brake that is any different than the other. The literal only difference is the composition of the rotars and pads.

    you want to teach your kid one of the most valuable life lessons? Teach them how to change out pads and rotars, it’s a universal knowledge, I learned how to do it back on my first car, and I’ve done them on every car I’ve owned since.

    EV’s may throw a stick in the spokes though, I wonder if the regen system gets in the way? I know they still have standard rotar caliper combo’s but my understanding is that they can actually become problematic on EV’s because of their lack of use! They actually seize up prematurely because driving around city driving the driver rarely uses the brakes!

    • Like 2
  7. On 2/12/2023 at 1:32 PM, CrowMan said:

    We ain’t fixing climate change any time soon.

    it’s February 15th the literal cold dead heart of the middle of winter it’s 10 degrees outside and pouring rain.

    i saw a map from a US storm chaser yesterday, there is a heightened risk of tornados today through tornado alley reaching into the Niagara region…in February.

    just another “once in a lifetime warm weather event” that seemingly happens every year these days. It’s actually incredible how bad it’s getting right before our eyes. We used to get a thaw in the winter sometimes even two, a warm day here and there, I can never recall where 7 to 10 degrees above 0 for weeks on end was the dominant weather pattern in winter.

    a guy on my parents road said “I’ve lived here 40 years I’ve never seen this bay not freeze” when we asked about ice conditions the first year we moved to the new place, 3/4 of the bay froze, the rest is wide open water.

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  8. 1 hour ago, DanD said:

    I don’t dislike the EV but it’s hard to find stats on what the estimated EV’s total environmental footprint is or will be. I’m talking right from the manufacturer of materials (batteries especially) required to build, to maintain and the disposal of the vehicle at the end of its useful life. I wonder if the EV is as green as “advertised”?




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  9. 5 hours ago, crappieperchhunter said:

    Hope the book gets thrown at him for all the charges. Sounds like a complete loser. And to make matters worse, that's how he is raising his son. Poor kids  probably never had a chance since he was born.

    I grew up with a guy who’s dad was a con man…needless to say the kids were much like their father. If you are raised by someone with no moral compass how are you expected to have one

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