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Posts posted by AKRISONER

  1. 5 hours ago, CrowMan said:

    It wasn't too fine for somebody last night...not even sure what he was doing out there...he heard some cracking so he panicked ??


    Something isn’t adding up on this one what the heck!


    misfish same story here, we got set up I ripped my bait a few times, suddenly a mark showed up on the livescope in 20 fow (I was fishing 50) 25 feet to the side, I reel up to 20 rip my bait twice boom the mark storms to my bait in a flash and I’m on.

  2. 22 hours ago, CrowMan said:

    Yeah...the ice conditions definitely suck this year. On the other hand, the glass is half full. The mild temps and liquid precip have kept the tribs open, and the migratories coming in at a steady pace. Much prefer to play with chrome on 13 ft of graphite rather than a 2 ft stick through a hole. Trout can't do cartwheels through the ice. Best winter Steelheading in 20 years.



    Unreal catches

  3. You’re fighting a losing battle if you are still needing to convince folks that 1. Climate change is real

    And 2. That it’s human caused

    despite mounds of irrefutable science,  even the oil companies have finally admitted that it’s the real deal. Alas we are in the age of “well I know better”

    one thing is certain, change is hard for people.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, BassMan11 said:


    None of those items would suffice my situation. 35 minutes out of the city with a couple acres to maintain.

    I don't think I represent a small minority of home owners.




    You said it yourself…you indeed do. 

    I’m not throwing away my gas stuff but when it’s time to reinvest in outdoor power stuff, battery makes sense if the costs are comparable, especially since all tools can share the same batteries. 

    the ice auger I used this weekend is better than gas in ever single way.

  5. I know im long long longggg overdue for a report, but planning a wedding, renovating a house, work and of course fishing get in the way.

    Welcome to the thread where you can complain about the ice conditions on your local water hole.

    This fish may be one of only a handful of laketrout caught through a hole in the ice on the great lakes this year. You would think -31 degree temperatures would freeze water, instead we managed to lose ice this past weekend due to the intense wind, breaking up about 300 yards of ice, while also flooding the ice that I was fishing on with 6+inches of water.

    All i can say is, thank god for my (now defunct) Kast steelhead gloves that allowed for me to pull my tent's pegs out of the ice while they were under 4 inches of water in -22 with dry warm hands. The walk home through that knee deep snow and water was absolute hell, the slush instantly freezing to the bottom of my sled making a 300 meter walk back to the truck taking over half an hour. I actually started laughing maniacly at one point while trying to pack up my already busted up tent, the broken pole within managed to twist itself inside of another set of poles making it effectively impossible to fold away entirely without entirely re-deploying the tent, which was now impossible due to the 60kmh winds and water on the ice. I gave up, folded it best as i could into a pile on the sled and strapped it down. 

    I found ice that ranged in depth from 8 inches to 2 50 meters apart from one spot to the next...at this rate we will be boating in no time.




    • Like 5
  6. ugh, were dealing with a deep layer of snow slush on 2-3 inches of clear...total nightmare on my home waters making it so that I cant get to where I want to fish. I might try man up and haul my butt through 4 kilometers round trip of the garbage this weekend...but man life would be easier if i could just pop on my sled and get to my spot.

    • Like 1
  7. Speaking of electrified things, I finally got to give an electric ice auger a go this weekend (ion Gen 1)

    I can tell you right now, I will never use a gas auger again if I don’t have to. The electric was better in every single imaginable way. I could not think of a single negative to say about it.

    I wasn’t even aware that these augers feature a reverse button, which of course allowed you to basically push 90% of the ice shavings back down the hole. Once you’d punched through.

    I’ve heard that when it’s really cold you may neeed to bring the battery inside the hut, but we left the thing out in -5 for two days of fishing and it barely ate any power. 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Fisherman said:

    Well he is quite understandable in this video.


    This is a much much clearer explanation than the last one I saw. He didn’t show how he finishes it in the last video I found of him tying it. I’m going to have to practice this one. It’s apparently awesome from the reviews over at bass boat central

    • Like 1
  9. I’ve tried and tried, but with my raynauds syndrome and fishing in canada where we only get 10 out of 100 trips in a year where it’s not howling wind, cold, raining, snowing etc. I’ve always resorted back to the double uni just because my hands will put up with it. 

    I’ve tried the shinfukae knot after hearing fantastic things about it but I haven’t been able to solve how to finish it, the guy doesn’t speak great English.


    i made a thread a few years back about my troubles with my hands and knots that I like due to their ease of tying in bad weather and limited to no failure.


  10. I’m 100% pro nuclear, but it would be a horrific idea to spend god knows how much money build 5 Darlingtons only to find out that in 30 years time fusion is available and provides unlimited energy for the cost of building the plant.

    Re:looking at the total energy costs of electric vs oil, yes of course everything has a footprint nothing will be perfect in that regard, it doesn’t mean you should just stop because it’s not perfect, that’s a pretty flawed logic. It would be like saying we should have never built beyond the Wright brother’s kitty hawk because the thing couldn’t fly super sonic.

    ”green” is a concept not an identified “standard” the certainty is that electric vehicles even with their dirty mines, and additional copper etc are still cleaner than an oil guzzling carbon emitting gas engine. Here’s a good website that breaks it down even by the electricity generation fuel…the difference between an electric and a icb isn’t even close



  11. 16 hours ago, captpierre said:

    I hear EV trucks disappoint when towing. 
    Remember everything runs off the battery in an EV.  AC, heater, seat warmer, lights, radio. 
    Add that batteries don’t like the real cold. 
    Not sure,  but I’m guessing range drops significantly in -15C weather. 
    Good in California vehicles ( we’re there are many). 

    That somewhat seems to be a bit of a “make it look bad just to make it look bad” take.

    I’ve heard it can be bad with loads near the vehicles maximum towing capacity…but that’s the same for a gasser.

    I’ve heard that realistically speed is what kills their towing capacity, so basically If you drive at normal highway speed and don’t speed with a normal boat there’s what you’d consider to be a normal decline in range.

    once again, newer battery tech is on the immediate horizon, extending range. People seem to be really worked up about this like they forgot about how bad their fuel mileage was in their 98 dodge ram or chevy. Those trucks were getting 400km while towing on a 100 litre tank lol.

  12. 1 hour ago, CrowMan said:


    I'm still a dinosaur and sticking with my pick up for now. It's useful for hauling wood and going to the dump...and I also need to tow my boat as I usually make a September fishing trip to NW Ontario every year. As of now, not many charging stations north of Superior...but it's coming I'm sure. Who knows my next truck may be a Lightning or a Rivian.

    this is exactly what throws me for a loop. As previously mentioned, I drive a diesel pickup towing a boat strapped with a 200hp 2 stroke on it.

    Knock on wood, both of them last me another 10 years? maybe longer (i could hope) But lets say an investment goes well, i win the lottery, A long lost billionaire uncle dies somewhere and I inherit a bunch of cash to buy myself Dara's 100k boat 😉blah blah blah, anyways lets say my next truck is electric (i have a deposit down on a cyber truck they originally posted the price at 68k, if i can get one at that price, I will gladly buy it, if its between a base model f150 or a cyber truck for basically the same price????) and then lets say I own that cyber truck and 8 years from date of purchase of that truck, electric outboards are an option, its actually 100% conceivable that my next truck and boat combo could be fully electric. I could literally go from diesel and 2 stroke to all electric in one generation of vehicles.

    EDIT: Tesla just dropped their prices 20%...aka they are the same price now as ICE vehicles...so you tell me, would you drive a gasser at that point? https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-cuts-prices-electric-vehicles-us-market-2023-01-13/

  13. 2 hours ago, CrowMan said:

    "can't see any source of power right now that will save it"

    Nuclear Fusion. Big break through last month in California. Clean, endless, safe energy (it shuts down immediately when power input is turned off) and no radioactive waste to deal with..

    Yes, it may sound far off...but remember we split the first atom (nuclear fission) in 1942...the first large scale nuclear reactor was supplying electricity to cities by 1958..

    As for batteries...Sodium Ion and NanoTube technology are on their way...almost instant recharging, small and lightweight and no lithium required...

    I literally think nuclear fusion is going to save the human race from our own stupid selves. Humans although we are disgusting, war mongering, polluting plague to the planet, also are incredible purely for our minds. 

    thats what people need to remember here, remember that electric cars weren’t even on the road in 2010! Tesla are now one of the biggest auto manufacturers on the planet, and every single other major auto maker has electric vehicles that you see on the road every day. 10 years is a literal blink of the eye in the grand scheme of things. 

    heck many of you on this forum see me as a young bozo…the internet didn’t even exist when I was born imagine the limits of human engineering with this relatively brand new electric vehicle technology. It’s kind of mind blowing when you really think about where this can go. I really have no doubt that I’m not much time at all relatively that we are going to see battery tech that allows for most vehicles to easily go 1000+km on a charge. We’re already up to 600-7with the original technology. 

    my friends bought a Tesla this year and drove to florida in it, they stopped a total of 4 times for 30 minutes+

    so effectively, the drove to florida and drove the same way that anyone would lol. Every mall, etc that they needed to stop at had chargers. Their total bill for “fuel” for the trip was something like $30 there and back. That pays off your vehicle pretty darn quick with todays fuel prices!

    • Like 1
  14. Dara chillllllll….this is a good thread the first in a while to actually have regular interaction. 

    did I not understand that evinrude left the market and had gone back to the drawing board to effectively go all electric? Or was that just a rumour?

    i hope it purely wasn’t just to create that inboardesque abomination that they made for the back of the alumacraft line ups?

  15. On 1/8/2023 at 4:25 PM, DanD said:

    We call it the Beaverton Bellagio. The "Beaverton Motel Sorts Bar & Grill" What a dive it was, I say was, because they were doing renos when I was there. Got there and there's no office to check in at? Went to the bar that was in the basement and asked where I could get my room. I was asked how long I wanted the room for? I said for the night; she gave me a strange look? She then went and got a key and I paid for the night. Thought that while I was in a bar I'd have a drink. Asked the bar tender for a Rusty Nail (Scotch and Drambuie); she had no idea what that was; come-on your a bar tender? While having my drink two "ladies" came over and sat next to me, one on either side. OK Now I understand why I was asked how long I need the room for. LOL. Told the both of them I wasn't interested and they left as soon as a couple of other guys walked in. LOL Went to the room and there was unmade beds, a pizza box with a half eaten pizza in it. Condom wrappers on the bed stand (Safe sex you know). What the hell am I going to do? I went to the truck got my air mattress and sleeping bag. First sign of light the next morning I was out of there. LOL After that I decided I would sleep in the fish hut. I was warm and it was my dirt in there!!!! 


    Wasn’t there a story a few years back about some of these ladies working the Beaverton ice huts? I swear to god this story broke maybe 7 years ago?

  16. 9 minutes ago, woodenboater said:

    When bassboats go dc, I imagine the entire boat will be a floating battery bank lol

    Offshore and bass boats makes the world go around.

    without a doubt those boats will just be An absolutely giant power plant.

    The beauty of lithium batteries are that they are so much lighter than lead acid. The majority of bass guys are now going lithium as the price comes down.


    the concerns about “charging” are somewhat irrelevant, you gotta go to the gas station to get gas too, if they make them able to use mobile chargers no harm no foul.

    it’d be cool to be ripping across the lake at 100+kmh with no motor noise. When I bought my boat the owner was laughing because he hadn’t been in the boat in a month since he already had a new boat with the merc 4 stroke, he couldn’t believe how loud the 2 stroke was lol

  17. 22 minutes ago, Spiel said:

    The truth we don't need Saudi oil, we have plenty here we just need to get government out of the way.

    I personally wish I could figure out a way to make the extraction of crude from the oil sands even 1% more efficient. Lots of companies working on this stuff. Then I could buy every boat I’d ever want lol.

    • Like 3
  18. 17 hours ago, Fisherman said:

    Imagine the weight of the boat, a Tesla car battery weighs about 1500 lbs, I would guess a boat battery would weigh around 400 to get any time/distance.

    I think some folks might be perceiving me as some kind of activist, I’ll make it abundantly clear, I drive a straight piped diesel truck that tows my boat that has a smoking two stroke on it. Such is the reality of boating in 2023 on a 35 year olds budget. Ya I’d love a new fuel sipping four stroke but it’s just not my financial reality.


    but, as mentioned “one can dream” and the dream when you read into what’s going on in this space isn’t as far fetched as it seems. What’s perhaps most impressive and truthfully not something people can argue about is that the performance of electric engines is so high that in most ways except cost at the moment they outperform ICB’s.

    like most new technology the price decreases with time. It’s very very conceivable that in 30 years time you’d look back and laugh at the fact that you used to burn gas to power your boat. Especially with your new ultra performance electric outboard that outperforms your old gas engine in every way possible.

    remember, icb’s have been around 100+ years, companies have been provided with 100 years to improve and fine tune the things and maximize their efficiency. I don’t think a single person in this thread would willfully trade in their new 2020+ yamaha Honda or merc 4 stroke for a 1970 Chrysler outboard lol.

    give electric outboard companies 100 years to fine tune their stuff, holy cow the possibilities.

    On the weight issue? Sitting in my garage as we speak I’ve got 4 group 31agm’s in my boat, plus a 200hp outboard (remember you don’t need a heavy motor!), plus a full tank of 100 litres of gasoline, plus a tank of oil in my boat…the weight difference, is nowhere near as far as you think.

  19. 3 hours ago, glen said:

    Battery is expensive.  I do 250km on trips.  
    It’s still 20y away for most boats.  

    250km in a single boat ride…you can appreciate that this is just a wild outlier of regular usage when referring to the recreational boating market.



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