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Everything posted by swiebe

  1. Ah, cool. Thanks, that makes sense. Here, fishy fish.
  2. Many of the fake fish baits have a clear plastic lip on the front end like these, http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11576 What's the purpose of that lip? s
  3. I notice a lot of people here have the word 'believe' alone in their signatures. What does this signify?
  4. Just talked with Mau on the phone. She's pretty busy today, says she might get on later. She pointed out that they said she still has a good chance of needing reading glasses when she's older. That's just normal as the lens and tissue in the eye loses its elasticity and begins to distort a little. And Lasik or the surgery won't be able to do a thing about that. Which made me think... Those of you that had procedures [or know someone that did] and use reading glasses: if it's not too personal, how old are you? I just figure that'd be an important factor for Maureen to consider in her decision. If you went to company X at 25 and needed reading glasses right after that's not as good as it could be. But if you're 55 then needing reading glasses doesn't reflect poorly on the company's abilities at all. Also, a little perspective from an outsider: Pro - You no longer get woken up at 2:00am to hear "what time is it?" Con - You get woken up at 2:00am to hear "I can see the clock!"
  5. Clockwise, when viewed from above.
  6. Having read over some responses I've remembered a few things. Mau had headaches for a few days after - that was expected and they gave her some prescription strength pain killers which helped alot. She also had the night 'halos' around lights for the first little while but that went away completely after a few months and now her night vision is perfect. Her vision is better than 20/20. She does not need reading glasses, her vision is great near and far. I'll ask her to come in here and give her perspective.
  7. My wife [Maureen] had her eyes done at Bochner a few years ago and she swears by them. They were fantastic, very courteous and professional. She felt very comfortable with them right from the start. The post-procedure help was stellar, 24 phone number she could call if she had any problems [which she didn't] and they scheduled a bunch more appointments to check that everything was alright for the next... Hmm I forget how long it went, at least six months, maybe a year... sorry, I forget. I've heard other places rush you in and out and never see you again. Bochner makes sure it's all good. They were even willing to become her regular optometrist for the rest of her life. Bochner was absolutely fantastic.
  8. Congratulations!
  9. My favourite foreign music is the soundtrack from Akira. It's japanese but it's not really a 'normal' musical style of Japan - Akira was sci-fi and the soundtrack was really different.
  10. A few years ago driving north to go camping a deer darted out of the trees up ahead and merged with traffic. Spent a few minutes running between the cars sideswiping them - put a couple good dents in our car - while every car alternated between slowing down to stop or speeding up to get away when she ran behind them. After a while she ran off the road and got caught in a wire fence - a few cars stopped to try and get her loose but she wouldn't let anyone come near her. Someone was just calling the local authorities when she finally got herself untangled and ran off into the woods. Interesting story from the BBC on this subject: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7035815.stm
  11. Voting advice from a friend of mine... Vote for the guy with the smallest shoe size. That way it'll hurt the least when he shoves his foot up your
  12. You don't know me but know that one more person shares your pain. I forget who said this but it's something like: pain shared is diminished and joy shared is increased. I hope the support in this forum helps you.
  13. I agree with Corey. Not worth the extra fees for the data plan. If you need your email ALL the time and you people email a lot then it's worth it. Admittedly, I'm rather jaded as I've used Blackberry's since they were introduced in 99. It was another way for the boss to have constant, unrestricted access to me. Maybe it wouldn't feel like such a burden if it's your own toy and not your boss's leash. But it seems to me they're really geared toward instantaneous business communication. No music, no camera, nothing fun, just work stuff really. I'd say go to a cell phone store and look around. Every cell phone today will do emails and SMS - but they're also a lot more fun than Blackberries, imo.
  14. Holy crap! some people are so rude and inconsiderate. Sorry to hear that happened to you. At least you got to see karma catch up to them.
  15. Cool, thanks for the info Doug. So, is that what "spoon" means? A glow in the dark Cleo? I've seen that term used and am not sure what it means. Thanks for the link Mike, that's really helpful. I can't wait to get out and test them.
  16. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. Much appreciated. Thanks for the knot tip, Beans. Mau looked up a few knots on the interweb and Palomar and Trilene are the two we're planning on trying out next weekend. No wheels right now. We sold our car a few years ago since we were paying exorbitant insurance for it to rust in the driveway: living and working [and going to school] in the city we just take the bus everyone - it's worked out a lot cheaper to rent a car when we go out of town. So, fishing tips... We want to try and catch those salmon we saw jumping in Ashbridge's Bay. I've been told Little Cleo's are good for salmon. What time of day is best and how deep should we go? A couple feet off the bobber, 6 feet, no bobber? A few of you mentioned of the islands... we'll have to check those out soon but for now [while we're still learning to tie a proper knot] we're gonna keep going to Ashbridge's Bay - it's real easy to get to from our place. Hopefully we'll get the chance to go to the islands before it's too cold.
  17. Thanks for the welcomes. And thanks for the search tip, I'll check that tonight after all the thanksgiving hoopla. heading out now. cheers
  18. Please allow me to introduce myself... My name is Scott. My wife [Maureen, aka Mau] and I live in Toronto's east end and are starting to get into fishing. Well, actually Mau has always been interested in fishing: she used to fish with her dad when she was a girl and periodically reminisces about it, says how much she'd like to fish again. With her birthday approaching I decided to get her/us some fishing gear and gave it to her early since it's getting colder and there's not much time left to fish this year. She was thrilled. It's been a long time since she fished and I've only tried it twice before so we're pretty green. The nearest fishing spot is Ashbridge's Bay here in Toronto. We went yesterday to try our new gear and caught quite the haul of seaweed and lost three Little Cleo's and two bobbers. Still, we're eager to go back and learn to do it right... saw some nice fat fish jumping out of the water [we're convinced they were taunting us] which we'd like to try to catch. Salmon, maybe? The line which came with the poles was really light, 4 lb I think. We think that and our inexperienced knot tying were the cause of the lost gear. So last night I took the line of the spools and replaced it with 14 lb Trilene XT - Mau found a few columns online recommending that brand of fishing line. We're gonna spend a few nights this week practicing our knots and try our luck again next weekend. Is anyone else here from the GTA? Can you give us any tips for fishing in this area, Ashbridge's Bay in particular? Little more of the introduction: We're middle aged, no kids atm but working on changing that. I'm a computer geek by trade, presently a programmer also been a webmaster, systems administrator, network administrator and database administrator. Mostly I work with various flavours of unix. Mau is a student right now, working on her PhD in anthropology. She's aiming to finish her degree in the next few months and is teaching a class at UofT this semester. She's aiming to eventually become a professor.
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