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About reelingMachine

  • Birthday January 8

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  1. Mountsberg can be drained heavily, especially this fall with few rains. Should not a be problem to launch an inflatable, but still too shallow. Hopefully you can find areas to be on water and not on weeds.
  2. Thank you and everyone for supporting, and James and Chris for your comments too. Some of us are C&R only, few will take as many as allowed all the time, but I believe the majority is somewhere in between and it can swing to any side all the time.
  3. Great video. Thanks for the report. Fished that stretch a couple of years ago, also in Dec, caught only 1. Was fun and adventure anyways, except the moment when one guy on the ferry on the way to the islands called me "a fish killer"
  4. Tried the same spot yesterday. Caught 1. It might be the new moon and few warm days that turned them on the first time.
  5. Thank you guys. No regrets about it and knew that few people would not be happy about keeping the limit. Finally was excited and had something to share, so few posts about fishing this year. Having a one year old to take care of and the wife back at work fished not more than 10 times since ice out, not much luck as well, probably got skunk 4 times including the last two outings, few weeks ago on Sturgeon and about a month ago on another lake targeting pike (from shore). Not a person who keeps the limit for freezer. Kept another limit of pike on the opening day on another lake this year. This time gave two to friends, the rest mostly for perogies, which are really nice, hope some are left to freeze for another day. If somebody wants the recipe let me know or google. That was Zone 16, the last day of bass season, would love to have a bass on the line, obviously it did not happen, so why not take the limit of pike and give bass and other fish a chance Fished from shore, initially slowly pulling a rapala flat rap perch. Got 3 pretty fast, the smallest ones, then nothing. Could cast it just few meters beyond high weeds, so mostly fished in a foot of water above the weeds. Fortunately prepared the rig using one of two huge bobbers I bought few years ago for some reason. A big jig head and another bell weight attached directly to the bottom of the bobber, looks ugly, but I could cast it 15-20m farther. This brought the last 4 that were more chunky.
  6. good news. I did not compare literally, but they had better prices for some stuff. I always bought Power Pro lines there.
  7. A lovely rainy morning, but they were active. Caught 7.
  8. An incredible fish. Congrats! Two times I went out for walleye this year ended up with no walleye at all. The first time a couple of bass helped to relieve the pain. OMG! I suck...
  9. Yes, this is a fishing forum, but you should have mentioned #2 first. Congratulations! Enjoy!
  10. awesome report and fishing. Thanks.
  11. May I ask where you bought it? I need a slightly bigger fella, but F2.5B listed on yamaha-motor.ca for 1113.
  12. I am pretty happy with Lowrance Elite-4 (an older model) for my tiny. Now it seems to come as a chirp/chartplotter variant. Very compact, a small battery (6AH more than enough for a day of fishing) attached to the bottom. The transducer is on an aluminum bar which I clamp to the side of the boat. When ice fishing it is heavy enough to be vertical when dropped into a hole.
  13. Hi Chris. We are at 6 month and 2 weeks now. No formula so far, only breast milk with some cereal and veggies. We do not want to push him to sleep entire night since breastfeeding at night stimulates milk production. Fed 2-3 times during the night in average, more often not long time ago Just some small things we believe may help him to wake more often. We celebrated 6 month, wife ate some cake, man, what a night we had, crying after every 30min - do not mess up with sugar, avoid. Wife dreams when she can drink coffee again. But same with tea, if she drinks it in the evening - be ready for a worse sleep. Perhaps try tea with camomile around 6pm. With our older son who refused breastfeeding from the day 1 we gave him a bit of water during the night. Water is not good for the first few months but when cereal and veggies introduced it may be ok in small amounts. We think water may help stomach to rest at night while giving a feeling it is full, eventually brain sees no sense in waking up just for water Make sure the room is not too chilly and well ventilated, he may just need to get warm.
  14. Congratulations Chris! You guys are much alike.
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