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Lunker Larry

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Everything posted by Lunker Larry

  1. The old Mitchels reminded me of the one I had. If I let it sit with line on it the line would crush the spool. Happened 2 or three times before I gave up on it.
  2. Not coyote related but intersting I think. Growing up we had quite a large garden and would get raccoons and skunks. Usually the skunks would come in and wreck the corn. What my dad did was balance a big steel garbage can on a wooden bench with a plank leading up and into it. In the bottom of the can would be an ear of peeled corn. The skunks would walk up the plank, into the can and it would fall back onto its base. When my dad saw the can sitting upright, he would grab the garden hose and the lid with a big weight on it, stick the hose in the can and slap the lid on. Problem solved.
  3. I like the visual presentation on a Lowrance better than the Humminbird but I like the ease of using a Humminbird better. I sit on a computer all day and don't need to do the same when I'm in the boat. With Lowrance you have to drill down through the database to set anything up and you really have to sit down and learn the unit first. Me...I don't want to make fishing work. I find the Humminbird menu more user friendly and quicker/easier to use plus many of the units have the hot buttons to pick previously set up screens.
  4. I'll take note of that. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks everyone. Very much appreciated. I'll be looking into all the solutions once I get the boat out of the snow bank. I like the product Drifter16 posted.Didyou get that through the states or canada? That looks like the way to go. It also got me thinking that maybe there is an adjustment on the 'steering box' that I have but couldn't see when standing on my head trying to check it out. I'll have to find the paperwork for the cable installation. Must be something in there. Again, thanks guys.
  6. Hey everyone. I have a 16 ft Lund with a 75 hp and all Yamaha controls. My problem is that the steering is loose. The motor turns on its own at idle and flops over when trimmed up. Seems to be getting looser each year. Been over the motor and all the cables but I cannot find anythying that resembles a tensioner or whatever. Anyone have any ideas? I've had this posted elswhere and no one seems to have a solution. LL
  7. Used to use frogs all the time for large mouth. My kids would get buckets full at White Lake here in Ottawa. Toss them into any dark shadow along the bank and hold on. But with their numbers appearing to drop and the advance of plastics, I can't see sacrificing a frog for a fish I'm going to let go. Modern day imitations are the way to go.
  8. Get a separate receipt for the boat and the trailer as you register them independently. Keeping the price low on the trailer will save you on the taxes. L
  9. Caught a Pelican in Mexico
  10. 20 million lbs a year! I wonder if those figures are as accurate as the supposed tons and tons of led from split shot due to fishermen and hunters that was the scare a few years back. That was a farce. Maybe a year of fishing with exlax will help them out Keep smilin Larry
  11. Got tired of looking t so called the shimano svc centre and order a 1 oz tub for $14.69 total. Thing is, it will be shipped tomorrow but it is coming from California.
  12. Thanks Stonefish. The product looks good. Did you buy locally or did you have to order it?
  13. Anyone know where you can get either Shimano or Cal's drag grease in Ontario? Thanks
  14. GBW. Nope, no picture. The handles were regular steel pipe about 1.5 inches in diameter. Pipe is threaded into the 90 degree corners to make the top of the handle and down to 45 degree corners to bolt onto the bottom of the motor. The same design as the original handle except it doesn't flare out. Hope that makes sense. They're painted black with some pipe insulation taped on with electrical tape on the handles. Don't think there are too many out there like that. Also, the mixing instructions on the gas tank have aluminum duct tape on the edges of the instructions holding it on. Again, appreciate everyone keeping an eye out. By the way. I found a tent style ice fishing hut in a bag by the side of the road that night (Sunday) I saw a couple wrestling with it in the wind for over an hour while I was there, so they must have forgot to put it in their car. She was wearing a white snow suite and hat. If anyone knows of someone who lost one at Petrie Island, tell them to give me a call. I've also had this posted on Fish Hawk but nothing heard from anyone yet.
  15. It must have been unlocked. I have two vehicles and am forever accidently opening them by bending over with the keys in my pocket, opening the house door or rifling around for something in my pockets. I hate those key fobs for that reason. Always relocked them when I knew about it, but......hey, what can you do. It sucks but life goes on.
  16. Opened my Envoy this morning and found that my auger was stolen. At first I thought I might have left it behind but the glove box and center console was all open and a few things left on the seat so someone obviously went through the truck. I live in Orleans which is just east of Ottawa. Stolen sometime between 5 pm Sunday and noon today when I noticed it gone So, knowing this is a pretty attentive group I ask that you keep your eyes open please. It is an older Model 30 - 3 hp Jiffy - 10" but easily recognizable because it has homemade handles on it which were made out of regular cast iron pipe. Serial # 3095564 I bought it years ago from a pawn shop with no handles. They ignored my sleigh, rods etc. Thanks guys. Friggin low life slugs! If anyone sees or hears anything, please let me know 613-824-0059
  17. Here's an update on this. Never heard anything from the supposed only place in the US that supplies parts, but I did get in touch with the service department of Normark Inc in Oshawa. For those with Rapala reels, what I found out is they don't supply parts. What I was told is that they usually replace the reel. Strange but apparently true. That's why there are no schematics anywhere and repair depots don't do Rapala. So, before scrapping the reel, contact Rapala and see what they can do. The contact I spoke with at Rapala was very friendly and helpful. Good luck to any Rapala owners or those that may get one for Christmas. LL
  18. That advertisement has been out for years. The first one was just a white poodle. They followed that up with a firetiger sweater on it. Personnaly I loved it and, being a muskie fisherman, had it hanging in my office for years. Mind you, some of the women weren't too fond of it, but it didn't offend anyone.
  19. Thankyou everyone for your assistance and concern. I heard back from Rapala out of Oshawa (I think it is). I can order the part through them and they will also provide me with a schematic so I can provide the correct part number, so thats great. Apparently the point of contact for this has been away so, me being impatient, I kept trying everywhere. Having said that, it still seems funny that for such an international company, I could only find one place for parts in the entire US and only one in Canada and I couldn't find any schematics on the internet anywhere. I guess it doesn't really matter as long as the service is good, but, I still find it strange. Thanks again to everyone and thanks Aaron for the offer of assistance. Have a very Merry Christmas everyone.
  20. Checked Aikmans and like I thought, they have nothing for Rapalas. Still nothing heard from Rapala or the e-mail I sent to the states.
  21. Tried Rockies and Mikes Reel Repair in BC but nobody touches them. Figured Aikman would be the same but I'll give them a shout. Thanks
  22. Hey everyone. A friend of mine gave me a Rapala RSC 30 LC reel to fix for him. All it needs is a clutch bearing/anti reverse bearing (not sure of proper name). Problem is, I am unable to find anyone, anywhere in Canada that provides parts. I can't even find Rapala schematics (except for about 6 spin cast reels). I have an e-mail in to Rapala and have also phoned Normark in Oshawa. I'm to call back Friday but it doesn't look promising. I just sent an e-mail to Nutter Rod and Reel Service in Georgia, USA which boasts that it is the ONLY Rapala service centre in the entire US. Hopefully they will come through. Does anyone know where you can get Rapala reel parts in Canada? Has anyone else had this problem? Seems odd that such a large company has such limited service for its reels. Larry
  23. Rain and freezing rain bouncing off the window as I type this here in Ottawa
  24. NBR - not for this reel. The left side twists off to give access to a long screw to the other side of the reel. My problem was the spring clip and the small peg it hooks on to was rusted.
  25. Thanks to Garry2Rs I was able to open the reel. Tried that earlier but had no luck. Looked at the reel again and figured that had to be the only way to open it up. Strained until I was shaking and it finally gave showing a screw that goes through to the other side. Thanks again everyone and especially Garry2rs. I'm a happy camper. Tight lines to all. Appreciate the help Larry
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