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  1. Have a look at what's on my website: http://www.southriverresort.com/Photos. Let me know what you'd like and I'll send you a hi-res copy if I have it.
  2. If you want more info surrounding the issue it can be found here -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/474830829334237/
  3. If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign
  4. The South River between Chapman's Chute and Lake Nipissing is loaded with them too in the spring.
  5. I always run a separate ground wire from the tongue back to each light and bonded to the frame at each end. Most of the issues I've ever had with trailer lights were due to a bad ground or continuity from the front to the back of the trailer.
  6. I've had similar issues with other units. Some suggestions: Is the firmware on your 788 up to date? You could also try using a lower capacity SD card. Some units have memory and card size limitations. Try uploading fewer waypoints at one time. Hope this helps.
  7. There isn't a ball on the main motor's fuel line. I can't remember what the dealer's response was when I asked about it.
  8. I have the exact same motor combination on my boat. Rigged it myself. I just teed into the main line like you're suggesting. Nice and clean with no issues whatsoever.
  9. I'm with John on this. I've done many T&G pine floors. Rent/buy a proper flooring nailer and use galvanized T cleats, they have excellent holding power. You can find nailers on sale for around $100 and just sell it when you're done - beats renting and being rushed. For locations that you can't get at with the nailer, pick up a box of galvanized spiral finishing nails and pound them in by hand. If you insist on going the brad nailer route, I wouldn't use anything less than a 16 gauge nail and use PL. As someone else pointed out check the condition of your joists.
  10. Assuming you have an onboard fuel tank, try running with a portable. It could be the check valve in the primer ball or a cracked pickup tube in the tank. I had a motor some years back that exibited the same symptoms as yours and it turned out to be the latter. If you don't have a portable try pumping the ball when it is acting up.
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