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Everything posted by BrianV

  1. I've been curious myself. Not sure I'd want to eat anything that swam through Hamilton harbour, though!
  2. Great. You made me spill my coffee with that last line. Hope you're proud!
  3. Thanks for the PMed information everyone - you guys are great! I now have a great list of places to try out over the next few weeks; my only problem is finding excuses to get in that many fishing trips before it gets too cold!
  4. Thanks for the info. I will give that a try next time I am in the Dunnville area!
  5. We are after just about anything we have a chance at catching. We have the most experience/enjoyment with bass and pike. However, we are open to angling for other types of fish if you have something in mind!
  6. Next weekend, my brother will be coming down, and we were thinking of fishing on Saturday morning. I have a few spots I normally go, but I have been skunked lately at them, and am looking for something new where perhaps my luck may change. Can anyone recommend some great places for shorefishing within an hour's drive of Hamilton? If anyone has some 'secret spots' they know of, any contents of PMs sent to me are gauranteed confidential Thanks!
  7. Hmmm... I like the idea of a Hamilton OFC beer night...
  8. Ok, so Selkirk was a complete bust, fishing wise Nowhere to fish on the shoreline - it was mostly a flat rock table extending out into the water, only reaching knee-depth 50' from shore. From the satellite shots it appeared that there was a small bay / inlet in the park, when I walked there, it was mostly mud with a few pools with an inch or two of water. And to think I have all kinds of new tackle I was getting excited about using! Oh well, it was still a fun trip with my siblings, despite the lack of fishing....
  9. I just checked in, and it was just me.... I'm off for now, but let's see more people in there!
  10. Blech!
  11. Sounds like good news on all fronts!
  12. This weekend I am camping at Selkirk on Lake Erie, and am planning on doing some fishing on the lake while I am there, if I can find a good spot. Are the fish from Erie safe to eat these days? Ideally, I would love to eat them if I can get them, but not if it will leave me with a belly full of heavy metals.
  13. This would be near the river mouth on Little Vermillion Lake on the west side, according to the coords. Did you stay at one of the lodges there?
  14. I wonder if they need a fishing buddy...
  15. What does you 'walking-Mac-ad' of a son study?
  16. Wow - I was expecting maybe 5 or six others to be from the area... Definitely was not expecting this many.
  17. Hi all. I'm curious how many of you are local to Hamilton (& surrounding area). I live on the mountain, myself. Where are you guys located?
  18. My wife has a *large* family. And gift cards are great, we just stock up at the beginning of the year!
  19. Thank you for the good feedback all. You've given me tons of suggestions to look into - thanks also for the strategy tips (trailer hook, reeling in before hitting the water). Perhaps this will change my luck. I'll find out once I get out fishing again (2nd weekend of October...)
  20. *groans* I shoulda known before opening this thread. This list has been read by the MCs at 7(!!) weddings I've been to this year, and I know I've heard it probably 50 times before that...
  21. Hmm, I am pitching an ear for this one... Here's my info if anyone has any spots to suggest. I live in Hamilton, and like pike, bass, anything with fins. Will drive an hour as well. I know some of the more common places (bronte, other tribs) but would like to find something less crowded. Don't mean to hijack your thread, but figure many of the places that apply to you apply to me as well...
  22. Just bumping to get more input. I checked out the Northam site, and I like the look of their gear - I may order some. I've never heard of Northam before. Does anyone know anything about them? Have people had success with their gear?
  23. I'm in...
  24. That's the spirit! Nice setup, by the way - nice and portable. When you are having a day when the fish aren't at your hole, you can move to a better spot whereas I get to wait it out in my shack...
  25. Hmm... perhaps I should try the islands sometime. It's only about 45 minutes' driver from here (Hamilton).
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