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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. I am ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to see so many fellows with facial hair! YES I just started out here, but you are my kind of people! Doug
  2. My mother-in-law is originally from Newfoundland and she did not "SUGGEST" I make an igloo, but I did have to learn a couple dozen Newfie songs, have eaten fish and brewis, and actually know more verses to more Newfie songs than most Newfies. That was a heck of a lot easier than making a multi-coloured igloo! Doug
  3. At least he didn't knock it off with a net, or let it slip when he was tailing it for him..............
  4. THANKS! Do you keep the maggots lively by storing them in your mouth, like the old timers? Doug
  5. Jay used to tied flies for Hans Fuhrman, who owned a little tackle shop in Thornbury. I met Jay there one time he was in replenishing the stocks. He must have tied a gazillion flies..................and I still have a bunch in my old (neglected) steelhead vest. Doug
  6. Subscription is free with membership in the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH). OFAH (of which I have been a life member since they first offered lifetime membership) is our voice with the government on a host of important issues. I know that some folks have issues with the federation for a number of reasons, but surely it is the old adage, "united we stand, divided we fall." And amongst the many benefits of membership is a "FREE" subscription to Ontario Out of Doors........... JMOYMV Doug
  7. Great article! And it brought back a PILE of good memories. I think it was around 1984 or so that I met a guy who was whaling the steelhead at Thornbury when nobody else was catching a fish. I eventually asked him what he was using and he showed me these bitty little flies. Well, they were Michigan wigglers, tied by a guy called Jay Passmore if I recall correctly, and they were dynamite! Same river, or maybe the Bighead, I took a mid-morning break for breakfast and a coffee and met local steelhead master Rick Simms (I think that is how he spelled his name.) Rick had caught a bunch of fresh run steelies that morning, when I know most of us had not connected with many fish. I asked him what he was using. "BUGS" he said. Like Michigan wigglers, I asked? Nope, BUGS! And he showed me a bunch of insects he had gathered up from the river bottom. He was fishing them singly on a #16 hook IIRC. I never did catch my own bait critters, but that image came back when I read that portion of the article. So THANKS MIKE for some great memories! Doug
  8. Any details for us? Using a flasher? Over weeds? Bait? etc. Or if it's all information you want to keep to yourself I'll mind my own business. I have caught many hundreds of crappies and never saw one that big I don't think. Beauty! Doug
  9. Squirrel stew is actually quite good, much like rabbit stew or, if you are not much into wild game, then chicken stew but with smaller bits of meat. One does not use red squirrel of course, that critter being protected as a fur-bearing animal and therefore can only be taken by licenced trappers. But I am thinking the red squirrel starring in this story may have found himself staying in the covered pot somewhat longer if I were the victim................... Great story! ............and I am thinking that the polar bear encounters would be quite the story material also, are they here? (Please forgive my newbieness........) Doug
  10. Good to see you over here, Yannick. I just got here myself (thanks to Moosebunk...........) Thought I might try to get tracks for my ATV for trips like this. Turns out they are about $6000 installed, taxes in, and make the ATV about a foot wider, so for me that would also mean a new trailer. Maybe next year............ Doug
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