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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Okay, so most of us here love fish. So I figured I'd ask everyone if they have aquariums? Here, I've got a 90 gallon tank in the basement, fresh water fish. Currently stocked with Tony the Tiger, Carl the Clown and Cindy the Synodontis... New Guinea Tiger, Clown Knife, and Featherfin Synodontis, respectively. No worries, Carl isn't there for life. I also have an apprx. 1000 gallon Koi pond in the backyard along with three big Perch and some big minnows. Has about 30 some odd Koi ranging from 6 inches to about 20 inches. Show us or tell us about your stuff! A photo of my tank can be found here... http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/gallery/...00/ppuser/17084 See ya!
  2. Nonsense, not a cat... like everyone else says, its a whale shark, and a small one for that matter. Plus, it doesn't eat humans.
  3. I dont know whether or not this is true, however I will go up and fish a spot or two somewhere in the Kawartha's and I'll keep everyone posted.
  4. ...
  5. Ahhhhhh, very nice! Too bad about the 'ski.
  6. Stash your stuff in someone else cabin and dont tell them a thing. Just an idea.
  7. Aight, lets keep it around the Toronto area, give or take an hour or two. Solopaddler, ya, I kinda had a feeling this would happen. A river name would help, I'll figure out the rest. I'll then read into the physiology of the fish and crack the Brook Code.
  8. Nice fish! Congrats! So is it true that once the fins turn red the fish dies?
  9. Good fishing everyone! Well, I've caught pretty much every fish of Ontario excluding Bowfin and ...and... well, I'm pretty sure thats the only one... oh ya, Sturgeon. I've actually started gaining interest in Flyfishing and would like to extend my fishing experience by catching more river fish, in particular, Brook Trout. I've never specifically hunted this fish, but I have landed a few in my time. We've got one hanging on the wall in the basement that a butcher of a taxidermist stuffed for us... it measures over 18+ inches So could anyone fill me in on some secret spots to fish for Brook's, pretty please! I know that giving away fishing spots is a touchy issue, but please fill a young fisherman in! I dont keep fish, I do it for sport and bragging rights Any information would be appreciated. PM me if you dont want to tell everyone about a certain spot or two. Merci mon amis!
  10. Hi everyone! Mike reporting in! New to this forum... looking forward to checkout girl these forums because I love fishing Well, uhhhmm... went fishing with two of my buddies over the weekend... over night trip. Fishing onshore from a dock on Sturgeon. Live minnows were hot, dead ones worked great. Used a bunch of raps, jerks, spinner, etc. Nothing spectacular. A few smallies, one was pretty nice. Tonnnes of perch... about 20 REALLY nice keepers. No ski Gotta take the boat out soon. A snapping turtle and a bat! Ya, weird catch that bat! ANyways, I'll be around this forum from now on, so hello everyone Now, I've got a question. My old mans birthday is fast approaching, and I've decided to buy him a gift that both him and I can use... you know, a smart buy Well, I've decided to buy him a sick ass fishyfinder. Right now hes got this old school black and white Eagle which is probably as old as I am... so I want to purchase something within the 500 dollar range, give or take a hundred bucks. Could you guys steer me in a right direction for this fishyfinder, I wanna buy a "Mercedes/Porche" fishyfinder... but on the cheaper end of the luxury make... or a really good half decent company... I dont need a video/ live feed camera deal... Thanks!
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