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Everything posted by Milty

  1. Nature always finds a way,..no matter how much we as humans interfere...record low water levels,....record snow fall season in southern ontario...conicidence? ...lol ... but seriously, if one really studies the historical record over the past few hundred years, their are blips and peaks and troughs, but it always ends up evening out. Global warming and climate change aside. I know everytime I was shovellin snow this year, I was thinkin about all the chromers in my future...lol
  2. looks like a sockeye-rainbow hybrid
  3. Looks like a pig with fins...lol
  4. The question is this,....while most of southern Ontario on average has had a dismal inland steelhead run year thus far,.....for anglers ....(record low water this fall,...and now freezin up)...how does his type of year affect the health of the populations of fish reproducing?? Obviously there would be less pressure and harvest by anglers,..but also have many Steelhead missed or foregone the opportuniy to head upstream and spawn? ..supposed to be a COLD winter,... what about the early ice up immediately following low levels since last winter..and how does that affect migration now given the ice up....as for where the fish will hold during the ice ups,..is a different story and thread...more curious about how these fall 2007 conditions will affect the steelhead numbers in general... All of that being said,...seems like a not bad Natural REG for a year to help the pops from overharvest atleast..just hoping there is a positive side to the fishery,..I for one dont mind waiting!!! Opinions Wanted...
  5. Nice HAWG,...great report,..looks like one of the spots I frequent,..gonna have to get out there soon...
  6. It always was as far as i know,...it was just mixed in with the salmon limits, but you couldnt have more than 2 rainbow for for sport license before anyways.
  7. I think Yes,..or else they would have made it a sanctuary, long time comin for that section of river. I beleive its the same as muskie reg's of catch and possession of 0, but obviously can still fish for them.
  8. Stellar report as always Han Solo!!! that first pig of a brown looks bustin to give you some eggs...lol!! nice work as always!!!
  9. Nice work,...great report,..you really should tell your buddy though unless he is keeping those fish to stay away from the gills while holding them. Cheers!!!
  10. Great report, thanks for sharing!!!
  11. That was MINT,..thanks for sharing!!!
  12. Lookin forward to the report on how those plastic eggs work...i already know how well the pinkies do,...
  13. Havent been,..but it will suck,..Need rain bigtime!!!
  14. Have u tried fishing with them? How well do they work? do you add scent? Exactly how long does it take to make a batch?
  15. Absolutely nothing wrong with asking,...If the anglers know what they are doing,..you join the rythm,..thats how i learned how to steelhead with 2 other guys 5 ' from me,...its really not difficult,...anyone that is going to potentially invade someone elses drift who got there first should defintaely ask,..Ive never been turned down,..not once. if someone shows up and starts screwing up the rythm,..its not hard to get rid of them. those plastic roe bags look mint....Honestly I have been toying with doing something like that myself over the winter,..fantastic idea if they work, if you could impregnate them with the right scent,..your into gold,..then we can have a roe ban and a 1 steelie limit,..giddy up,..get them made and start sellin them!!!!
  16. I would take a little of that guiding action,..no fish at my haunts yet,..if your up for it,..PM with your $$price
  17. OMG,..Stop torturing me...lol,..but seriously Awesome work,..nice report,..i gotta get my butt up there to where your fishing,..such a long stinkin drive though..lol,..looks like you made it worthwhile!!!
  18. Milty

    Mirror Image

    Just a cool shot I thought!!!
  19. Gotta be some kinda Hybrid...Brown/Atlantic...lol
  20. Nice catch...but even nicer egg supply for the season....
  21. Looks like some kinda weird brown trout hybrid,..strange lookin fish,..i hope somoene can identify it..did u eat it yet? How did it taste ?? Way to go on the catch though,..how was the fight? What were you using?..shoulda took pics b4 gutting it...probably best to take this baby out of the gene pool...lol,..but im not sure i would eat that or anything else from Lake O tribs...LOL
  22. Nice work Guys,...looks like the bite was on and obviously the fish are in there,..approaching storm,.light rain snow,..mint conditions,...even with the orange camo....thanks for sharing!!! Anyone see the weather forecast for the next week ? Its game on for steelies,...YEEEEEEEEEEHHHAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW....lol PS,..that last buck has got to be pushin 8-9 lbs,...Excellent catch for this time of this year!!!
  23. Ive had the rod for like 3 years,..landed many a salmon and steelies on it first with a spinner,..then a pin,..and now a spinner again,..same presntation,...just for use now in tight quarters or a back up set-up to the pin,...I highly recomend anyone learing to angle steelhead on the rivers use the Floating/CP set-up with a good spinning reel first,..learn the rivers and the fish patterns,..and how both behave,...then move onto a CP,..and discover a whole new learning experience,..lol,..but if u can drift 100' or more..and catch some fish with a stellar presentation in water where u will never see a fish unless it jumps,,...by all means bring a few rods with you,...I always bring atleast 2 rods and there is usually a 9'6" spinner or a 7/8 wt flyrod involved in additional to the flaot CP method!!!
  24. Ive got a shimano convergence, 12'6" 4-8lb rating,..I often use a spinner on it with a float set-up as my back-up,..works great for under $100.
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