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Everything posted by Milty

  1. First wait for a rain and the river to go up,..then as its dropping a day or 2 later (depending on the trib size), go fishing. they will be on the move when the water is high and starting to settle in holes when its dropping and will be more active. Try float fishing, ideally with a 12-15' ultra-lite to lite-medium rod, a centrepin works best, but is expensive, spinner can suffice use balsa or clear floatsfloats with 8-10lb mainline and 6lb drennan florocarbon leader, 2-3 ' of lead. Progressively smaller shot from the float to swivel and a #10-14 hook. as for bait use eggs tied in red mesh or anywetfly or jig with red accents. the salmon dont generally feed much but they will strike out of aggression and competition reasons. this is the best way to get Legitimate strikes for salmon up river. also is nearly identical set-up for stealhead soon to follow. Make sure when drifting that your bait is the first thing the fish sees,..and remember if you can see them,..they can see you....good luck!!! Like this...this is a seelhead set-up with a fairly long leader,..and the float can be adjusted to the depth of the hole you are fishing,...I know it sounds ike light line,..but its neccesary and drennan kicks,..A@#$,..also the long lite action rod will absorb the shock,...the challenge will be to keep them away from structure,..but thats the fun also...lol Good luck,...this will produce,...and,..it will produce ethically!!!
  2. Actually, its between 10pm and 1 am where i see this,...why dont I aks them you say,..cuz I know the reason they do it...laziness and ignorance...lol,..I tried long ago to educate guys up river who snaggin ,..went so far as to cut lines and chase them away,....it doesnt do any good,...same guys back same place doin the same thing next week,...maybe we're talkin different rivers,...I dunno,...and actually its kinda funny wathin all them fish get lost after seein those gloww in the dark indicators boucin all around,...
  3. No need to cure it,...use fresh stuff for 2 weeks or so in the fridge using spider wire to the hook as someone suggested,...the rest cut up into usable outing portions and seal airtight into freezer bags,..use a straw if you have to,..wrap each little baggy in paper towel then seal in another bag,..again airtight,..then put em all together in one big aritight bag,..and wrap in newspaper and throw in the freezer,...remove each pack the night b4 fishing,...and either tie into spawn mesh or use whole chinks with spider wire on hook,...this way it will be fresh as they day you sliced the queen open for 2-3 months or so,....my guess and experience says you'll catch more fish this way than using rubberized cured skein
  4. Ugh... ,...Not highjackin nothin,..those are great cohos and a great report,...wouldnt hijacking be more like posting pics of my own fish on someone elses report,..... ,...oh thats right someone else did that....lol
  5. Im not sayin that cleos dont work,...My point is that I have a fortuante vantage point to watch 20-30 guys fisihing every night,..right by the mouth..and none of them throws spoons,..they are all flossing,...and yes they get hits from flossing,..and snagging to some degree,..95% break off,..point is that all thge claims are from tossing spoons but the observations suggest otherwise,..not accusing or singling anyone out,..but Ive seen it way too much not to say anything....sorry if anyone is offended,...as none is inteneded!!!
  6. like I said,...Just curious ...as I have witnessed a whole lot of snaggin and illegal fishing near mouths of rivers and up river,..it really pisses me off,...no offence to you personally,..but like I said,.. I Have yet to see a peir angler 'Angle' ,...due to the vantage point of my view I have witnessed enough to bring up the question that I did,...its all in the interest of conservation and well ...legal fishing,...can you agree?..No accusations ..just questions...and yes,...lining and flossing does usually result in blood in the mouth,...it isnt illegal, if bait and one hook are used,..but that seems not to happen much...CCMT,...b4 you get too offended,..Im simply pointing out what I have witnessed over the last few weeks,...not you personally..perhaps I shouldnt have singled you out,..but the blood all over the tail is a way too familiar sight....
  7. See another post about 'Glow in the dark cleos',...how come all the blood is on the pec's and tail and not the mouth?,...just curious?
  8. Im just curious,...I hear about everyone chucking spoons by the mouth of the credit ...regular cleos during the day and glowing cleos at night and all the claims to landing salmon are attirbuted to this style for the most part,..but Never once Have I actually seen anyone casting a lure near the mouth,..NOT ONCE,..except for my own,...every single person I see fishing the mouth of the creidt is bottom bouncing or anchor fishing (big drop weights and several hooks and even sometimes glowing red lights with little to no casting involved),.,..usually with no bait and obviuosly flossing/lining or snagging the fish with no bait,..as 95% get lost anyway,..Ive witnessed this by the credit several dozen of times off my balcony,....Can anyone shed light on this for me??? Am I missing something,..or is there a hole lot of Bull going on with the stories,...just curious as something doesnt add up!!!
  9. 90% of the time ,..once up river,...(not too mention near the mouth of the river),..throwing hard baits and spoons results in snagging,..the salmon are out of their feeding mode and concentrating on making it home for some Nookie,...you need the more subtle approach when up river,...roe (small bags and singles) ,..wet flies and jigs in reddish type colors will aggrevate them into a strike sometimes,...as for actual feeding it is rare once upstream. Make sure you appraoch very subtly as though you were targeting browns or steelhead,..these salmon once in spawn mode spook even easier. ,..Oh yeah,..almost forgot,..wait for more rain ...lol.. Hope that helps!!!
  10. I was up that way a week ago and saw a dozen or so,...and have had plenty of rain since,..so there must be fish,..maybe just not holding where you were,...Im goin again soon and am confident in a nice set of pics...
  11. You'll be sleepin next to peter and Ken,..so your biggest worry should be the snoring,....LOLOL,..bring Earplugs,...Have a great time!!!
  12. I used to be involved in science research and worked with many grad students,...INSERC as I recall was a very good outlet for funding and many students sought it themselves,...also,..private funding ,..depending on what you are researching may be your best bet. If I knew specifics of what your research involves,..I may be able to help a little in pointing a direction,...lemme know,...Until then,,..Chin up!!
  13. Minnows and Jigs (green shades if u can get em) ....for Walleye for sure,..as for the bass,..my experience has always been to switch it up several times to get the bigger fish Hitting,..worms will get you fish, but smaller ones in general, (in my experience)...start with worms and if your into fish,..switch it up to a plastic worm other 'Gulp' type product,..and watch the sizes get bigger....spinners and cranks also cant got wrong if the bass are present. IMHO PS,..get a minnow trap,..so as to not intrduce a non-native species. Milty
  14. 100 m south of the lighthouse, right accross the river from Snug Harbor, right by the boat launch, cant miss it.
  15. I use a 10'6" medium Heavy Quantum IM8 Stealheader, 12-25lb test when the salmon are near the mouth of lake O tribs and it works great,..I run 15-17lb maxima Ultra green main and a 12lb flouro leader and It turns those nookies,....up river its back to the 12'6" ultra-lite 4-8lb
  16. Took a Loooonnnggg Walk along a favorite haunt today....Waaaaayyyy up river,..and saw a dozen or so nookies and maybe a few from the first run of the season,..another inch of rain and it's game on..!!!! Bring On the RAIN!!!
  17. I live right next to the mouth of a large Lake O trib and everytime I take a walk along the break wall, I see atleast one dead chinook with no visible signs of damage, which would indicate death from being lugged up 100+ feet and released. On another note,...I have fished some lager G-bay tribs and have caught well into the hundreds of chinook and many dozen stealhead (and released) over the last few years, ...and Never once have I caught a stocked clipped fish, they were all wild. I dont think natural sustanance is the problem at hand, moreover the commercial fishery and netting that takes place. Just my $0.02
  18. Why would anyone sit over a hole on ice to 'Fish',..when there are Stealhead in the rivers just waitin to be found is beyond me,....IMHO..a True Fisherman would brave the elements of a river hike in Jan/Feb over sittin in a hut bouncin a jig
  19. I been waiting for a good rain for a while,..BRING ON THE Nooks!!!!
  20. thanks DouG,..just the info I was looking for,..Ive canoed the area several times over the years,..very scenic,.just never fished it,..hopefully I will have some pics to share when I get back...lol,...However with the system movin in closer to the weekend,..Im thinkin they may shut down the way the specks have on my last 2 outings up north,..bad timing i guess.
  21. Im Heading up to Algonquin for a 4 day canoe trip b4 the salmon really get going down here. Was wondering if anyone has any specific info on where to fish and what for (Lakers, specks, Bass?), at this time of year on lakes and tribs along Hwy 60 as well as lake Opeongo and surrounding, any info is much apprecited, thanks in advance. Milty
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