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Posts posted by xrap

  1. I wonder if they moved to the "top" end of the lake.



    Don't know Binbrook well this was my first time fishing at this part of the lake and I was pretty far down the lake and the ice in some spots reached 8 inches and at some parts if you stepped on it you would fall right threw. It was very tricky out there so if your going to fish further down watch out.

  2. We headed down there today but a bit further down the lake. Pretty much same story lots of dink perch and then moved to a new stop to try for something bigger and got a couple of huge hits, maybe from pike or bigger crappie but didn't land them. Went back to the perch hole caught some more then we were off, to windy and cold out there. Wanted to get a couple pics of my first time ice fishing so here they are.











  3. The two of us caught well over 200 perch"....Hey guess what that 's wrong too. Read the "catch" and " possession" rules in the regs. Catch limit is 100 per angler and can keep 50...for a sport license.




    Catching and keeping is a diffrent story. They might have caught over 200 but how many did they keep?

    Don't believe everything you read...

  4. Well said man. Some people take this internet thing too seriously and are wasting away in front of their computer. Where abouts on the Grand were you hoping to have the tourney? Caledonia area?


    Corn Nug



    Probally around the Dunnville area.

  5. I tried from shore just below the damn. There were some other people who were fishing there also with no success. So I never went back.



    I fished thier alot in the summer from shore and everytime we went we atleast got a few small walleye around 14 inch range. It's a fun place to fish but there are alot of snags there, gonna cost you a bit.

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