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Posts posted by xrap

  1. what kind of knot did you use with the power pro ???


    I use the uni knot for everything, never had any break offs really except for a couple times I didn't re-tie after landing a big fish :blush: But talking about mono now. Never had the power pro break off on me. Even when I fish for salmon in bronte for the first time. I used power pro and landed two male nooks. But I use 6lb gama now for salmon, very strong line.

  2. Thanks fishindevil, I'll have to check it out. I'm really success with a the berkley frenzy frog and the pj pop. I heard the pj pop is a bass lure but it has been producing pike for me. I have 4-5 of them but only the red and black one is working well. I'll have to stalk up on some top waters. I got some for christmas that i'm just dying to try out. Thanks for te tips everyone B)

  3. I have been using topwater lures for pike without any leader. So far I have landed all the fish and haven't got any breaks off's. Until the big one hit and took my favourite lure. Then I tried putting the leader on but the top water bait did not perform the same. It sank half way under water and moved like a log. Now I got power pro so I don't have to worry about leaders and the lure not working the right way. I got another rod with mono on it and I was wondering what would be the best way to to fish for top water pike? I'm taking a trip up north in the summer time and I just want to be prepared for the big boys. ANy tips? Thanks


    P.s sorry if this is a stupid question :blush:

  4. I caught a whole lot of perch in the spring and summer time a while ago now. I got a picture of my two bigger ones but i didn't wiegh them or anything . By the picture can anyone tell how much they would wiegh around.? The one on the right side is 15 inches the one on the left is 13.5.



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