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Posts posted by xrap

  1. Islanders playing an AHL team tomorrow......WHAT....New Jersey is by far an AHL team. Yes Brodeur is a big reason the won alot of games this season but they have some pretty talented guys out there. I hardly think a team that that has 106 points this season in the NHL is an AHL class team, plus Jersey has tonight off and Islanders played today! Can't believe someone thinks Jersey is an AHL calibre team! WOW



    I don't think he means jersey is a ahl team its jsut the jersey will be resting thier stars and playing the ahl rookies

  2. LOL, it's so funny how when the habs were ahead of the leafs you guys were cheering and saying your gonna kill the leafs and now when we beats you the excuses are already starting. Leafs are only ahead of us because of those cheap overtime loses :blahblah1: If the islanders win tommrow then oh well.. that's hockey. But atleast we can say we went out by kicking your ass ahahah GO LEAFS GO!!!!

  3. For the classy Hab's fans in this thread I will add this....



    Toronto ..40.....31......11



    The Leafs may make the playoffs with a losing record. The Habs won't make the playoffs with a winning record. I hate this overtime point thing and I'm a Leaf fan.



    Last time I checked being games over 500 is a winning record. And the reason why so many overtime loses is because leafs sucked in overtime, just remeber how many times montreal won in the over time or shootout.



    LEAFS ALL THE WAY GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Good work cc, I went out for a hour today water was very clear. Drfited the same pool for about 20 mintues then I made my lead a bit longer and first drift boom I had her on an the line snapped imdiatley when she started to pull. I forgot to change my drag early because I had a snag so i tightened it to brake it off and didn't change. Oh well my fault :dunno:

  5. I got out today only for 30 mintues because we got thier late and we couldn't even see our floats in the water. Only one person down there said he caught one small one and lost a nice one. Lots of fish tho. You could see them swimming beside the banks and must of saw half a dozen fish jump. Water was low with a slight green tinge. Maybe try tommrow for a little bit longer.

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