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Posts posted by xrap

  1. One time at Port Maitland me and my cousin were perch fishing and he put his rod down to get a drink and i warned him not to because the fishing was super hot at the time and he told me not to worry because there perch can't pull i tin so 2 seconds later his brand new rod goes into the water and he was pissed. Couple mintues later some angler beside us seen it floating and started catsing at it and got it back. So he reeled in the line and at the end of the line were two big sheephead. :lol: What a fun day that was :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Nice report and pics Rich. Those blue gills really have some nice coulors. Also, I was wondering how do you clean blue gills. Because if we ever get some ice this year, I was thinking of going to Valens for some blue gills. And also, what size range is considered a keeper?

  3. Yep, but I never said he was crap,jsut he's a you know what. Oh well what can you do, and as for penguins having another mario and lemieux I don't think thats' going to happen because in 4 years they will have to give them away because of the salary caps. But who kow they might end up on the same team again

  4. Was a fast pace game and good....but stupid penalties and stupid plays caused turnovers. Game should never have been that score!



    Yea, what really pissed me off was when coliacovo stoped crosby on the one on one and then crosby cross checked him from behind to the ice and no penalty then coliacovo gave him a little tap with the stick and they call it and, after the play crosby was acting like he was gonna fight coliacovo but the refs were in the way. Crosby is jsut a little "B*tch", hope he gets drilled one day.

  5. I got a chance to fish a bit today and decided to go steelheading. Got to the first trib and the water was very high and fast moving so without wetting a line we drove down to Caledonia water was high but not as murky. Not to many fishermen down thier ethier, I thoguht it was going to be packed.



    Shot of the river



    Here is my first ever steel. Only a little shaker



    Here's a shot of a few guys fishing across the river



    Then later I got another shaker but this one was a bit bigger then the last one.


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