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Posts posted by xrap

  1. I always have 4lb seaguar flurocarbon. How long of a lead do you use?


    Yank off a couple of feet, then try to brak it with your hands.

    Good 6lb test should provide a fair bit of resistance.

    If it breaks easy, get rid of it and buy some 6lb trilene xl.

    It has an uncanny way of lasting for several seasons.



    Hey clampet this is very strong line, but I was more worried if 6lb is to thick for ice rods?

  2. I'm going to buy my ice rod today and I don't know wether I should buy new line as well or use my steelhead line from fall. I still have a spool with about 100 yards on it. The line is Gamma and is 6lbs. Would this line be good to put on a ice rod. I'll be fishing for pike crappie blue gill. I don't know if that matters but anyone have any suggestions on lines?

  3. Dont kid yourself Xrap, if you vote "no", Fishmaster will delete your vote. If you try to voice your opinion in any way differently than his, he will delete your post. Trust me.



    Well if he wants to be a jerk about let him be one. I'm just speaking for myself. There's over 1000 members on this site, not everyone is going to agree on the same thing. So I hope you guys don't get mad at me for having my own opinion, and saying what's on my mind.

  4. X-Rap seems intent on some of us joining another board more than voting on anything. So, I'll wait till Fishmaster comes on this board to defend his position as a bait seller.



    Hit it right on the dot Roy. :glare: I was trying to get everyone to join fishmaster's board to start a big arguement. ;)

  5. Thousands of little furry animals all leap to their deaths because one does it...doesn't make it right.


    Sure, everyone one of us feels for the guys that collect bait for a living... being told they can't do it anymore in the south. But like the East Coast's Cod fishery...there's a darn good reason for it.


    I'm sure like anyone that has been laid off from a company, they (the bait collectors) can relocate if they wish to continue collecting bait. The same demand is going to be there from anglers, so they will need just as many workers collecting it.....just from new locals in the North. Northern bait can still be sold in the South...just not the other way around.


    Like I said, just do your homework before you jump on board supporting something. That goes for everything in life, not just minnows!




    Hey Irishfield, I do see the point you are trying to get across. So why don't you sign up and vote. Every vote does count and it could change alot of people's perspective on the topic. Personally for me I don't think it would because I use live bait all the time but I don't abuse it. It's great that there trying to make people understand and think about the future's conseqences but thier are greater problems out there like gobbies and now the invasive carp have become a real threat to us. If they do pass that barrier might as well say bye to our great lakes fisheries.

  6. He was nice enough to leave it open so that you can get bait anytime you want. I would be pissed to if people started stealing bait and other things from my store as well. And as for supporting the cause, I'm sticking with my vote 100% all the way. The votes are now 79-0, I think think that's prettymuch a one sided poll that everyone agree's on not just me.

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