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Posts posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. For sensitivity I like the Fenwick Canadian Methods rod. Its red in colour and is about 60-70$ at Bass Pro if I remember correctly. I reach for it before I reach for my shimano compre when I am jigging. It is way more sensitive than the double the price compre. I guess you pay for the lifetime warranty the compre offers. For me its been well worth it since I have already had 2 replaced on warranty.

  2. If you want big Cat's in that area head for Dunnville or Port Maitland.

    You can fish from shore at both places, but a boat obviously gives you more options.



    In April and May they are consistently big, not so much now. Lots of smaller ones in the summer I have found over the years.

  3. Not the safest thing to do in the society we live in today, but I like to pack all my gear into the car (most of the time..lol) the night before. I also like to fuel up the night before and I have a bad tendency to drive a little faster on my way to the fishing hole.


    For camping trips, absolutely everything is done the night before, including the boat being hooked up. I also look into how long the drive will be and drive to my destination at night so that I can arrive as the sun is going up, while at the same time avoiding traffic congestion. With this though comes the danger of wildlife on the roadway.

  4. Congrats on the new boat! I would recommend going to a launch with limited traffic as its not easy to launch a boat when doing it for the first time. Unless of course you have done it before or have experience towing trailers? It was a nightmare for me the first time. If somebody was recording, I would of been the highlight of youtube :thumbsup_anim:.

  5. I'm a fan of filling up 1/3 of the spool with mono, then add braid. To the guys that use the electrical tape: as you near the end of your line on the spool, does the line slip then? I ask because you never know when the biggun will come and start peeling drag.

  6. Took the wife for a walk along Bronte early last week and saw a guy catch one off the pier around 8PM ish. I over heard a guy on the phone alerting his buddies that a salmon has been caught as the guy was fighting it :lol:

  7. Might not help if you're in the bush or whatever, but I clean my fish at home and I take the guts and skin and put it in a couple plastic bags and then freeze it until garbage day. I'm pretty sure that's legal, and if it's not, I don't have a clue how you're supposed to dispose of the inedible portions of a fish!


    I put them in the compost bin. I don't even want to see the look on the guys face when he opens up the lid and gets a wiff :w00t:

  8. Have researched the CCSVI (liberation treatment) extensively and it is costly for something that is ineffective. I have had MS for ten years and way past early intervention. Scheduled to see neurologist at MS clinic next week and have to get forearm crutches now. Oh well...doesn't stop me from sitting in boat and fishing.

    There certainly is Big Pharma trying to keep us disabled. The cost of my medication is $2100/ per month but luckily i am covered for this stuff that has a 30% chance of helping.


    However, my father was diagnosed with a cancer two years ago and after some operations it was removed and he is absolutely cancer free now. So there is some progression in the study of chronic diseases despite the corruption.


    This discovery in treatment for ALS is encouraging since there is many similarities with MS.

    I find hope in this since work and study is being done.


    I respect your opinion and i'm not looking to stir the pot, but what fact(s) or information made you conclude that it is ineffective? A family friend had it done in the early stages and it helped him. He went from cane to lightly jogging.


    Apologies to OP for hijacking the thread into a MS thread.

  9. Fish4eyes... I saw a headline last week that after a huge study the liberation treatment was proven to be in effective? I might be thinking of the wrong treatment, thats the artery treatment in the neck?


    Lew see's through my eyes :good:


    Bucktail: Yeah thats the one. They said it was in effective as soon as it was announced to the public, interesting. If it is an online article I would love to read it if you could please provide the link.


    There is a reason people pay 10G's+ to go to Europe to have it done. I would sell everything I own if it wasn't too late for my mother. Ask someone who has a severe paralyzing form of the disease if they would risk dying or getting into some debt to have a chance at being cured. I read an article that told a story of a Hamilton woman who got the treatment and slowly over a few months began to walk. Never herd of a MS treatment medication that had this kind of successful result. What has the MS Society done to push the liberation treatment? The only reason I do donate from time to time to them is because I know MS patients receive funding for items they may require due to their disability and certainly not because I feel there is hope for a cure.


    The only thing that I will thank our government for is the abundance of social assistance available to disabled in need.


    The government does not want people to get cured of any of these common diseases/diagnoses (especially cancer)to simply control the population of the world. By giving you medicine that usually doesn't do nothing, they make money, plus you end up dying anyway. Perfect combination for them. The FDA (whatever their called) recently approved a pesticide spray that is used on strawberries which is KNOWN to cause cancer :wallbash:. Its what we put in our bodies that is killing us. Which is why I have made the switch to organic to atleast try to prolong my life. Yeah it's more money but the food tastes much better. Chicken breast no longer tastes like rubber. If you don't eat produce in 1 week (sometimes even less) its garbage. Whereas the stuff with the pesticide sprays lasts 3 weeks.


    Remember people the first step to health and well being is positive thinking, happy life and no stress. Watch the documentary "The Secret" for more on this.


    Off to my cave I go as they are coming to get me :ninja:

  10. Good to see medical progression on neurological/spinal disease.

    ALS is super nasty and mostly lethal.


    Hope they make true breakthrough on this MS that i got as well.


    Would help if our crooked government would approve the liberation treatment. They would rather pump useless medications into people instead. People have walked out of their wheelchair after receiving the liberation treatment. Yes some have died, but I think it has helped MUCH more people (especially in the early stages of the disease) then it has taken. Unfortunately, its little too late for my mother. Have you given the liberation treatment any thought or discussed it with your neurologist? If so what are his/her views on it? Best wishes sent your way!

  11. I could of sworn I read an article saying that the eyes of a pickeral require time to adjust to the darkness once it is dark. While they are adjusting they cannot see anything and thus do not feed. I bet alot of them get taken during this time period my a muskie. Can anybody confirm this?

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