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Posts posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. My friends dad owns a cottage on the lake and I have fished it several times. He is very friendly and i'm sure you will run into him sooner than later as he talks to everyone on the lake. His name is Miro, tell him Ned says hi if you see him. I have never fished a lake that is so deep so close to the shore, almost around the entire perimeter of the lake too. Your in 25' 10-15' away from the shore. Good part is there is not many hazards on the water because of this. PM me for more details with regards to the fishing.

  2. Good karma always comes back to you when you help out, good on ya! Totally unrelated, but I once took a fellow out on my boat in the afternoon on Nipissing to go fishing as I felt bad because he wasn't catching much. We put 10+ pickerel in the boat in the afternoon on a HOT summer day. To this day I have not caught that many on Nipissing in an outing.

  3. Diesel is 2cents more than gas in Hamilton, pretty consistently. 2cents a litres is not going to make or break somebody. To my knowledge and experiences diesel engines don't require cats to be replaced once the motor is not running right like a gas engine would. I've seen a bad running gas engine (one cylinder misfiring) blow out a brand new cat in 2 months of light driving.


    My TDI jetta still has the original exhaust on it (after 351km)and has only required replacement of exhaust flanges and clips that hold it in place. Diesel pollutes less as well.

  4. For the piece of plastic everybody has attached to their hull you can check out P&A Plastics Inc. They will cut out whatever size piece or colour plastic you want and they can also finish the edges with a bullnose (or other pattern). They even have UV resistant plastic, which would be a must for this type of application, especially in the long run. Mine has held up good for 4 years now. I warn it wasnt that cheap though I think I payed 15-20$ for a 4"x12"x1/2" piece of plastic, but I did get it bullnosed all the way around. Its a good idea to get the edges finished to avoid injury when swimming near the boat, preventing transducer wire from being cut or better yet losing a fish because the sharp edge cut your line. I screwed and siliconed my hull.



  5. I own a 4Runner and am really happy with it. To my knowledge any 4Runner up to year 2002 with the 3.4L v6 is bulletproof. Haven't done any research on the newer models, but I would expect that they are good too, given that it is a Toyota. Have herd of guys getting 600-700k out of them. Mine is at 315k and showing no signs of slowing down. For your budget, you can get into a 99-02. I find it very convenient that the back window on the hatch goes all the way down. Allows you to communicate with your partner at the launch easier and allows you to transport long materials if the need ever arose. Rated to tow 5000lbs as well. Best part of all I get about 13L/100km when towing approx 3000+ lbs up Hwy 69 which has alot of hills. It is also built on a truck frame.

  6. My 16 month lab must be fearless as one of our neighbours set off a really loud firework and she sprung up from her sleep and began to look out the window and bark at them letting them know that fireworks will not be tolerated at 10PM :lol:. She didn't even react to the not so loud ones.

  7. I like to just use whatever rod I use for jigging, which is usually a med lite fast action. I like the sensitivity because it lets me know if my lure is caught up on something or not as the action on the tip of the rod will stop or change if its caught up on weeds, etc. It also helps me to differentiate if my crankbait is bouncing the bottom or if I am getting a strike. Bouncing bottom on sand flats has worked in triggering strikes for me when trolling.

  8. Looking to replace my transom tie down straps on my boat, but don't want to buy the "Boat Buckle" ones from BPS as I noticed they never held snug while trailering and would always loosen on me ever since I bought them. They loosen even after only a 30min drive. I suspect the slack caused the boat to bounce slighty and rip the carpet on my bunks (which is fairly new). Any recommendations on a set of good tie down straps that will not loosen? My boat and motor is about 1000lb.


    These are the ones I currently have and am not pleased with:


  9. Every provider charges for the HD receiver so you certainly can't avoid that. Is the above mentioned price for a PVR receiver? Judging by the price, I would say no as they are even more money. Don't be afraid to haggle with them on the price of receivers, especially if you have been a customer for a while. I got a 200$ receiver for 50$.


    Give Shaw Direct satellite a ring, I have a decent package for 55$/month. If you have a cottage or trailer, you can also set up a dish there for no extra charge other than the additional hardware required. Up to 5 or 6 receivers allowed.

  10. Im no expert, but it sounds like mould is the issue here especially given that she is very sick. See if the docs can test a sample or something to confirm this? Read up on symptoms of mould exposure, does your moms match these symptoms? If you want to be assured there is no mould in the home, there is no better test then a mould sniffing dog. Just make sure you close your eyes though when they tell you the price for the dog. Air particle samples will not pin point where the actual problem is and you will find yourself ripping apart alot of the house to find the root of the problem. The dog goes straight to the source if there is one present.


    After the home has been sterilized, invest in a HEPA vacuum cleaner. Most of the cheap vacuums are not sealed properly and will blow some of the dust around the house that the vacuum should be picking up and storing into its bag. I did the research before I bought mine, and Miele was one of the very few companies that guaranteed their vacuums sealed the dust in. One of their vacuum's will run you 500-700$ depending on the model, although I have seen refurbs kicking around at some stores for considerably less. If your interested, let me know and I will keep an eye out for a refurb.


    I would also invest in a good quality furnace filter. The 3M ones sold at Costco seem good and can be had for 40-45$ for 3. Periodically they go on sale for 10$ off as well. You should leave the furnace fan on 24/7 as well. This will help reduce the dust in the house but will also require more frequent filter changes.


    Purchase a hygrometer and ensure you place one in the basement to monitor humidity levels in the home. If you control humidity properly and keep it at the right levels for the corresponding time of year, you will not allow mould to grow. Do not begin to control the humidity levels with a dehumidifier before you have confirmed that the home is mould free. Otherwise you will be blowing around mould particles which will cause the mould to spread.


    Hope this helps and hope your mom has a speedy recovery!

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