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Posts posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. Ther has to be a better solution, when I look out my window at the DVP, there are three lanes south bound nearly empty in the evening and 3 lanes rammed north bound. In the morning its the same but the opposite direction.

    Maybe some concrete barriers on rails etc...didn't look at the links yet..


    There is, stop throwing up condo's :wallbash:. Money talks I suppose :whistling:

  2. My motor does the same thing the first time I take it out. For some odd reason I found that taking the motor cover off and letting the sun penetrate on the motor helps it to start. Although, the last time I took it out it would not start. So I took it in to get it looked at and the tech said it started fine :wallbash: . Go figure. I am now beginning to suspect that it may be the ignition wiring moving around when the boat is being towed. Check out the wiring on yours.


    Other things to consider:

    -Pull one plug out, crank the motor and see if the motor is getting spark

    -When repeated attempts to start it fail, dry the plugs off with a lighter and put them back in, then try to start it.

  3. Don't get a home inspection. Majority of these "inspectors" completed a weekend course to become a "home inspector". Use common sense and ispect every square inch of the home inside and out very carefully. My real estate agent told me I was one of a kind and at times insane as I did exactly what I am recommending for you to do :thumbsup_anim:. Word of advice, don't bring your wife with you if you do decide to inspect the house by yourself as she will get impatient and rush you. If you really want a home inspection, you would be better off paying an experienced contractor who renovates to have a look and give you his opinion.


    Things to look into:


    -how old are the windows?

    -when was the roof last done? If the shingles are curling at the corners, its time soon.

    -how old are the AC/furnace?

    -has the basement ever flooded? Check the grading around the house to ensure water is not pooling towards the foundation.

    -Does the foundation have cracks in it? If the house is brick, fix any cracks in the grout/brick asap.

    -does the house have knob and tube wiring (as you mentioned it is older). Is it copper wiring?

    -does the house have copper plumbing?

    -make sure the basement does not smell mouldy.

    -if the basement has lift ceilings, have a look at the wiring to see if there are junction boxes. If there is, it is usually safe to assume the wiring was butched throughout the whole house.

    -look for mold in the attic

    -does the house have return air ducts on every floor?


    If you need a good mortgage rate, I can give you a contact. I got 3.69% 5year fixed in May 2010. Others offered 4%+ at the time. Might be worth it for you to talk to the guy and shop around and compare. PM if you need a contact.


    Hope this helps bud!

  4. Whenever you hit somebody from behind it is automatically your fault, regardless of what happened. In this case the officer would probably also ticket the motorist who did not have functioning brake lights as well. HTA states you must have full control of your car at all times, regardless of conditiions. People that end up in ditches due to bad weather all get pinned with Careless. Their throwing that careless charge at people like its nothing. A 6 point offence will ruin your life for a while.


    FishNAutographs: If I were to get cut off, and in an attempt to swerve out of the way I lost control, would I still get pinned for careless? PS this did not happen to me, i'm just wondering.

  5. Wheel chair batteries get alot more use then you think. They are used daily and charged daily. They are removed from a wheel chair and being sold as used for a reason.


    ricoboxing: if your ever in the Stoney Creek area I can give you the contact for a Interstate warehouse that sells refurbished batteries for about half the cost. By refurbished I mean they may have a nick on them. I use these refurbished batteries in all my cars and have not had a problem (they have been in use for years). They don't always have deep cycles, but you can always call before heading down to have them save one for you. Usually they have a truck come in every week if I remember correctly. They still give you 2 years warranty as well. Can't go wrong. If you got old batteries kicking around that are no good they will give you 5$ for each one.

  6. Don't know any surgeons, but I could point you in the right direction if you ever required a real good chiropractor. He is a chiropractic radiologist, which is one step up from a chiropractor. His office is in downtown Hamilton. He may even be able to point you in the right direction for a surgeon as well, given the nature of his line of work. Send me a PM if you want his contact.

  7. My rule of thumb is you spend 95% of your time fishing and 5% of the time driving the boat, so I like to have the most room when I'm fishing. If the fishing spots you go to involve driving a considerable distance, then I would go console. Tiller I find makes it easier to drive the boat up onto the trailer, as opposed to guiding it on with the ropes. I love when people stare at me at the launch thinking that I'm going to miss the trailer :lol:. Mind you, boating experience does play a big role in this.

  8. To those that go to private garages for oil changes, I wouldn't. I did once and I noticed the car was very gutless after about 5000km. Use only the dealer oil. Its about $4.XX per quart. The synthetic is rated for 15000km.


    I wonder if they fixed the cam issues in the newer 2010/2011 models.

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