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Everything posted by mosquito

  1. The show has everything the more radical left hates, Christians that are true to their faith, guns and hunting, family, the ideal that hard work is good, a declared standard of right and wrong....I bet the rants, distortions and intollerance are just starting from those that hate all they stand for...this world has truly drawn up sides but as for me I love the show. Fall from grace.... no they seem to understand real grace fine.
  2. It just depends on what you are looking for, so what do you need? You can order directly from alot of the dealers, last time I ordered online I went through the approved lists on the Canadian Made and North American Made facebook pages. Most of the companies will ship and if you buy directly they sometimes throw in a bonus. Here is a link to the "Canadian Made" https://www.facebook.com/CanadianMadeOutdoorsGear I thought their link to the Seal skin boots was interesting.... until I saw the price! http://www.furcanada.com/seal-skin.html
  3. There are some good makes or rods you can find on here too. http://www.pechesud.com/en/travel-fishing-rods-2/ Half Moon bay looks good, try and get out for a snorkel at Green Island or you can check out these guys for some fun too, the guys on Fish TV did a few shows there and tried these guys out in one and it looked fun . http://www.reservoirrange.net/
  4. Born in April too? 50 looming ahead here too.
  5. Walleye, Snook.... uhhhh not so much, they both have a slopped head but that would end the comparison I think. The most fun I had was on a flyrod with apoxy minnows and the 1.5" Canadian Wiggler when I got into some Ladyfish and small pompano. Walter at Lindquist asked what a Ladyfish was and he posted the pic. The Ladyfish weren't big (up to probably 18") but hit like a pike wanna be and did great jumps and triple flips before you got them in and it was just cast, hook, fight release for about half an hour until the sun got up a bit. When I got cut off by a baraccuda I switched over to the rod I had in my pack with a Canadian Wiggler and caught more including this guy. Ordering direct is more expensive but seems to be the only way to get some of the Canadian Wigglers like the 1.5" http://www.canadianwiggler.com/ecom.asp?pg=products&specific=jnkqqpm8&gotogrp=8&gotopgnum=1
  6. Simple, Don't use your real email! Especially if it has your full name on the email, any idiot can look up your address in Canada 411 and as I mentioned in an earlier post when I started my clean up I just created a yahoo email account with a generic name. (ideas... "Cleaning up", "Is it Friday yet", "Wishing I was Fishing"....) You can block the idiots easily, the idiots don't know your real name and you can check it when you want... the select all and delete works wonders if you haven't used it for awhile.
  7. You will need to add: 1) some tieable wire leader, baraccuda's will chop through even heavy floro leaders, 2) the WHITE Rebel walking minnow is a must, silver and other colours get about half the action or less in my experience (after loosing last white in a huge swirl, jerk and cut heavy floro leader...) Pic taken in Antigua, it is small but no one else was around for the others. 3) lucky strike glow in the dark spoons just after dark can often be real good. 4) Canadian wiggler in 1.5" in silver (lady fish, small jacks) and white/glow or silver in the 2 3/8 and 3 1/4 5) A Lindy what's it jig in grey or brown or there is a cheap make ?Fox? that has a jig with rubber and feathers all over that worked good on the sand for Snook If you can get some the scents they seem to make a big difference too, (shrimp is what I use) more so than in freshwater. Make sure you rinse off the lures when you get back to the hotel and don't leave them on the counter etc because the hooks will rust and will make a mess. Rinsing them is a must because freshwater hooks will rust FAST. In Antigua the one guy I talked to said the Tarpon would come in sometimes into the bays and harbours so watch out, he said some where huge. If you go down to the beach atleast 30 minutes before sunrise you will be surprised what you see along the shore, the one morning I saw a huge stingray, two sea turtles and something out beyond what I could cast was chasing some flying fish. Good luck.
  8. I have had some real odd calls since I started cleaning up, I follow some simple rules that Kijiji has right in their suggestions.... NEVER give out personal information and meet them in a public place..... I would say that includes the phone number. I just meet them down near the local Tim Hortons to exchange items. Since I have started my cleanup I have had been joined for a coffee to chat and also had lots of guys that I am glad they have no clue where I live. I have had a few that will send you email after email asking for your address or phone number and seem to just want my address or phone number.... when you hear of robberies etc.... I'll stick to Kijiji's advice. I have been doing some cleanup and created a yahoo email just for kijiji ing (not your real name in the email or title), then just ban emails for the idiots.... and never give out your phone number. If you call them.... *67 before you dial the number blocks call display on the land line and #31# on the cell phone. I have had a couple items that just woundn't sell and had dropped the price several times, then I just left if off for a week and put it back at a price jacked way up above the first price and someone will buy it at that price, no offers... just I want it, here's the money, thanks and good buy... go figure.
  9. Looks good, when we went there all I got was a very sea sick family and one small wahoo when I went out on the charter. The waves were probably 6' minimum that day. Davey Bouy if you book in July or August (atleast 6 months early) or go off season there is alot of money you can save, but March break and Christmas are expensive! Did you try any fishing from shore? I heard there was about a 3' blacktip shark caught by the Holiday Inn a few years ago and so I got up real early a few days and I had some fun, I SAW some bonefish that were huge (next time I book the guide) but very spooky but did manage to get into some Ladyfish and had a blast and caught a small pompano and a couple baraccuda. They were small ladyfish 12" to 18" but the ladyfish were a blast on the flyrod (think rainbow trout after about 10 chocolate covered espresso beans, triple flips!!) but I kept getting cut off by some small baracudda so switched over to a spinning rig. I mentioned it to the owner of Canadian Wiggler when I was ordering a few new lures and he posted the picture I sent. http://www.canadianwiggler.com/ecom.asp?pg=gallery&mode=16
  10. I took this off another forum where the conversation turned toward ethics, companies and where they get their components. Originally Posted by TomSnout333 View Post Well there's actually 8 of the companies that deal with communist product, including my own. There is also a company there that has their tents and sleeping bags put together in Vietnam...lol! Oh well... Trust me the hooks used are Mustad knock offs from North Korea. Why would I lie about that. Not going to give you the companies name because mine is one of them. They are some of the bigger ones in the Canadian tackle industry industry... Companies buying from China when so much of the production has moved there is one thing... but North Korean knockoffs..all time scuzy level!! I wish I knew the companies I know I wouldn't buy from them again. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/10/08/dont-go-to-the-land-of-death-north-korean-slave-labourer-urges-tourists/ “But the people do not look alive. Everyone had malnutrition, you have constant diarrhoea. You have no strength. I saw people die every day. You eat anything – a plant shoot rises, you snatch it and eat it. Rats were a delicacy. If you saw a snake you grabbed it and bit off the head. But you ate the snakes raw – there was no time or means to cook.” Both her parents and eight-year-old son died in the camp, in the 1970s. A decade ago, she bought false documents and crossed into China, from where she made her way to South Korea – where she now lives. Yesterday she was in London for North Korean Defectors’ Week, as Amnesty International said that the prison camps had expanded, and now held an estimated 200,000 people. “It breaks my heart that now I live life in this bliss, while my family died in that land of death,” she said. “The world must take seriously what is happening there.” On the North Korea note http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/11/12/north-korean-firing-squads-reportedly-execute-80-for-watching-foreign-films/ 80 put to death were found guilty by the state of minor misdemeanors, including watching videos of South Korean television programs or possessing a Bible. There are two facebook pages that have posted the question of where they get their hooks etc. to the companies and I see there are several ethical options that have responded so far. https://www.facebook.com/CanadianMadeOutdoorsGear?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/NorthAmericanMadeFishingGear?ref=hl
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