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Everything posted by firefisher

  1. Thanks hirk. Appreciate it!
  2. Hey guys I have a friend coming up from texas on business and he's hounding me to go out fishing. Looks like he's only going to be able to fish for one day. Looking at the licenses on the mnr site it says something along the lines of One-Day Sport Fishing Licence (Great Lakes and connecting waters including Lake St. Clair, Rondeau Bay, St. Lawrence River and Lake St. Francis) Will this license include fishing small lakes up in the muskoka area??? If not, what type of license should I be looking for. Cheers Tanner
  3. Thanks for your help guys. Appreciate it!!! cheers
  4. Thanks for your help.... It's going to be a pain to get ahold of him. Any other ideas???? cheers stout fellow
  5. Hi guys and gals I know this topic has probably talked about many times but if someone can send me a link or any info that would be greatly appreciated. I have an old boat that hasn't been registered by the past three owners atleast. It has the numbers on the side of the boat though. Just wondering how I can register it without having to track down the last owner who registered it. Any help would be awesome. cheers stout fellow
  6. Hey Polliwogg Where did you pick up the spray shield. Sounds like a cool setup. FF
  7. Pigeon Lake for me. Heading up tomorrow for a solid 4 days of givin er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great 2 4 boys! cheers ff
  8. I do agree it would be good for kids. It looks like it would drive me nuts after about 3 casts! If you do get it please let us know how you like it. Cheers FF
  9. As long as you don't mind getting wet I think your golden. Can't wait to see some pics! Cheers FF
  10. What a belly!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Thanks for all the help guys. Ill post some before picks in a week or two. Cheers Firefisher
  12. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keram, that looks awesome. What kind of carpet did you use and where did you get it from if you dont mind me asking? FF
  13. Well Boys and Girls its about that time again. Pulling the boat out in a couple of weeks and im looking to put a floor in it and possibly a live well. Its a 14' aluminum Just wondering if anyone would like to share a pic or two and possibly anyknown sites for some ideas. Brainstorming! Cheers Firefisher
  14. Yeah...but Northern folks dont have to drive to work on major highways with thousands of horrible drivers...LOL!!!!!!!!!
  15. We should go one further...Dress her up, put lipstick on her and the rookie gets to sleep with her for the first night! LOL
  16. Hey Grog Put about 2 hours in at binbrook this afternoon and came home with nothing. Would have been nice to stay alittle longer but I brought the brother in law with me and he was getting cold. Should have left him at home....LOL!!!!! FF
  17. Great report Dan Timmins is where I went ice fishing for the first time. Boy do I miss it. Awesome picks. Cheers firefisher
  18. Hey Irishfield Just to let you know if you stop by walmart there hand augers are almost half the price as the indenticle ones at canadian tire. I believe the swede bore 8" was $55. Cheers
  19. Hey Guys Just wondering if anyone has outdoor storage space left in the Hamilton area for my 14' aluminum. Time to put her away for the season! Let me know. Cheers Firefisher
  20. Thanks Fishinfool for that link. Greatly appreciated! Cheers Firefisher
  21. Just seeing if mine worked!
  22. Hey Boys Loving the new setup! Cheers FF
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