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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I have been working on a gt150 Outboard motor and ran into a scenario that exceeded my thought processes. A quick phone call to Big Cliff and 10 min of discussion allowed him to guide me to the problem and the answer. Thanks again for all of the advise and the offer to dig up some more information if I need it. You sir are a scholar and a gentleman...(but I won't spread it around and ruin "your don't know anything to heck with everyone reputation"). :whistling:



  2. Boy did they exaggerate the truth on that fish. It would be best not to read the article and go here for a more factual accounting of the fish. invasive species map on snakeheads. The fish do have a primitive lung and can live in poor water quality, immature young can slither in thin muddy land/water. I haven't tried freezing them or found any evidence that they cut fish in half any more than a pike. They prefer soft fleshed fish such as suckers,kili minnows, frogs and crawfish. They have found lots of shad and some bass/bluegill in the stomachs. While I hope they never reach Canada if they become established they will be just a big scare until they fit into their nitch and then be forgotten. Remember being scared of something that hasn't occurred and isn't proven is a waste of time.




  3. No I agree with you their the Asian Carp and the Snakehead would not be my first choice for fish I want to be in my waters. However since the window for eradication has pasted I put the best spin I can on them and I can tell you those puppies fight like few freshwater fish ever have. I was amazed at the battle it took getting the fish in it was both visual jumping in the air and a full heads on tug of war for 7 minutes. I was fishing with a 7ft medium heavy rod, shimano core reel and 20 lb power pro so their was a lot of pressure on him to come up and get released. The pattern to fish is very similar to fishing for pike in the weeds using lures that are in the top 1 ft of the water column. Once they see it hold on they will blow up the bait multiple times till they have it and then lock jaw occurs even after you get them in the boat. If you want to you can even keep him around for the rest of the day if you keep him moist he has primitive lungs that allow him to gulp air in low oxygen conditions. Kind of like fishin with your drunk buddy after he passes out on yaa.




  4. That's not entirely true. It's a cumulative thing. One adult northern snakehead with produce 13,000 to 15,000 eggs per spawn at a frequency of 1-5 spawns per year. One dead snakehead relates to ALOT failed reproductive potential. One angler killing one snakehead - maybe no big deal. But if EVERY angler killed every snakehead they caught, cumulatively, it can add up. Several US states with established snakehead populations have imposed fishing regulations that PROHIBT the live release of snakehead, if caught.


    It's only the right thing to do with such an invasive species.




    Sorry on this point technically you are right realistically they are already established and no amount of killin is going to reverse the species foothold. This colony covers over 50 miles of waterways and has a very strong shad population to feed on.If you follow the link I posted previously you will see the map and the reported catches as far as DNR has documented. The people who are on the river have caught quite a few more and consider them a challenge to fish and catch.


    I fish for the other invasive species Blue Catfish that were stocked in 1981 with no ill effects to the rivers health. It was also a kill them as you catch them advisory. The Blue catfish has a large following and accounts for a lot of fishing dollars both in tackle, guided trips and tournaments.



    Thanks though for the biology lesson. What we called a Bowfin in Louisiana was always identified to me as a "shoepic" or "snakehead" by my elders. Back then we worried more about how to cook a fish than how to classify one and it appears it has allowed my ignorance to show in public here.



  5. Flush out the sediment as able then replace the element. The element that is covered in scale has generated hotspots and will fail soon. If you try to clean it then you will knock off the scale and corrosion and the porcelain casing will be compromised. You also can look into a water softener to stop the scale build up and all of the other benefits it provides.


    Art the plumber

  6. Memorial day is here and with it a thanks to all the veterans that fought for our freedom and some that gave up their lives so I can feel safe in my freedom that they have granted me. I will say that Memorial Day has no boundaries and the other Great Nations that have stood beside us in our conflicts also are remembered. A prayer for Canada's Veterans was also said on this day by Daplumma and Aplumma both Veterans in peace time but ready to fight for Freedom if needed.



    Art and Joe

  7. We deal with them in two ways here on the farm.


    1. Use 22 rifles with rat shot and shoot them like skeet.


    2. If that is not possible then we use badminton rackets in the no shooting zones.


    They also seem not to bore into painted wood my barn is painted with an oil based stain and I havent seen a hole yet.




  8. I hope you killed it.



    Nope swam away just fine.


    I also fish for the Blue Catfish which was also forcasted to destroy the fisheries both haven't happened. Given my druthers I would rather catch the 50 lb Blue Catfish and the Snakeheads both are alot more fun than bass. Even though the bass were also deemed an invasive species at one point in the Potomacs history and now it is one of the top bass fisheries in the Nation.





  9. Here yaa go let the fight begin.






    This is a 9lb Snakehead that has taken up residence in the Potomac river. While they are an invasive species they have all of the characteristics of a pike as far as habitat and food goes but they are all fin... boy do they fight. We finished the day with 4 bass (in season here) and 2 snake heads the other was only 4 lb's and was released at the boat side.

  10. I am not mechanically inclined... i don't even know what these things do... I will admit, I am an idiot when it comes to this stuff. Guys like me end up getting ripped off, I guess...


    I would like to learn... :(


    I don't feel like you are being ripped off. I am not a marine mechanic but I am in a similar field....plumbing. You have to look at the whole picture...Their is a lot of overhead in the shop and the tools and parts on hand. You figure if the job takes just 4 hours which is a reasonable amount of time for a diagnostic plus work and test time. That is $100.oo per hour to pay the mechanic,secretary,shop overhead,rent,accountant and taxes that's before the profit is realized. The mechanic has a lot of time invested in his education and his tools he deserves to make a good wage for his efforts. I bet once you understand what they had to do to make your motor run correctly you will feel better with the price.




  11. I suspect that Spiel helped save the life of a troubled rod. I don't think Brook helped though....she hasn't started building rods yet has she?



    Spiel builds rods???? I thought that Brook was the person and Spiel was the dog??? I will need to see which one of them has thumbs to believe that one Roy.




  12. Sorry what looks like a simple solution actually is not. If you want to help shave your head and send the hair down to the Gulf it will absorb even more oil and will not sink when water logged. As far as using chemicals to collect chemicals being bad... remember even organic matter is made up of chemicals. The spill is a tough issue that we are dealing with and between the politics and the misinformation it is going to prove to have long term repercussions and then we get to try to restore the waters back to their former glory. At this point a prayer for the people impacted by this disaster and a donation to the organizations that are helping will do more than any amount of hay or hair.



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