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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. My marine insurance has a reduction every year their is not a claim. You also should check to see what the reductions in rate are for higher deductibles. I saved over $300.00 a year by increasing my deductible to $1000.00.




  2. Ceramic is the base material for most of the guides different additives are incorporated to make different versions/grades of guides. I learned this after Chris made me learn what the heck I was ordering on my last few rods he built me. :D Thanks for stuffing more information in my head Spiel.



  3. Why is it 10% of the areas patrolled take up 50% of the forces time?If the neighborhood you live in is crappy then work harder and move to a better area.I hate the way people blame the 911 responders because they are not their instantly. You try getting to a place in less than 5 min when you are babysitting people that if they used a little common sense they would not need to overwhelm the 911 system. I will stop here but their is alot I am not saying since this is a family forum.




  4. Since you were the cause of the damage to his truck then you are liable to returning the truck back to the preaccident condition. If the body shop has to replace the panel and repaint the quarter to blend then that is your legal obligation.If you request 3 estimates then he has the right to be compensated for his time and a rental car while he is without the vehicle.In a sense you are playing insurance company when you decided not to involve them. You might not know that he has a new motor or transmission or other major expenses invested into the vehicle.What a truck looks like and what it's value can be two very different values. Once he has a body shop to repair it you have the right to pay the shop directly for the repairs but he can still charge you with receipts for the time off from work and the rental of a car. Even dings can run up quite a bill so you might reconsider the not involving the insurance company. You also do not have the right to buy his truck at book value because he was not in the marked to sell the vehicle when you hit it. If that were the case everyone would be bumping into the 1964 GTO,s and offering the purchase price value of $2810.00 versus the blue book value of $45.560.00.






    Wait for the first diagnosis before you get a second one. If you knew the answer then you would not have gone to the doctors office so let them do their job. I am sure Dozer meant diagnosis because opinions are like :asshat: every ones got one and they don't rely on facts just on what they feel is the truth. :D




  6. Very rare for the pipe from the shower valve to the tub spout to anything else but copper it needs to be rigid to keep the spout from moving. However I have seen a few galvanized pipe ones in the older houses.


    Have mom and pops feed you steak and lobster that way it will be only one meal and dessert will be nothing but profit.




  7. In 30 years the only time I have seen a tub spout in a shower is when the homeowner did his own plumbing and messed up. If the tile work has to come out then take a 1/2 cap and sweat it to the pipe feeding the tub spout it will make it a shower only valve then. Careful though the 25 cent cap might cause you to have to skip a few meals to pay for it. :blink:




  8. A fun day was had by all we had around 15 people arrive and Joe put out the feed bag with some excellent Mexican based food. Then it was on to the assorted homemade cakes, pies and ice cream for dessert. As darkness fell it was off to the hill were our local pyrotechnics were launched into the air with booms and bangs with a few oooohs and ahhhs as were celebrated our Independence and Freedoms we so cherish and enjoy. Thanks to all who stand by the United States and lend their might and wisdom as we all try to spread the words of freedom to those oppressed.



  9. No you were not lucky you just had a natural talent for baitcasters I personally use only baitcasters once I found out how to tame the beasts. I have quite a few of the Shimanos for musky on down to panfish and the big rods I decided on TICA reels. I am not a ABU fan the reels do not seem to me to have a drag system I like and the thumb bars are not left hander friendly. I am sure since the time I tried them they have improved and are a fine reel now but the problem is I have to break a TICA reel before I replace it and it just does not seem to happen.... If you make it out the Washington D.C. area I will be happy to get you out on the river and let you try all kinds of combos but be warned once you fish with a 6 oz rod and a 7 oz reel built for your hands you will be passing down your other combos as you replace them.




  10. I took a friend of mine that does not fish often fishing. I brought a spinning rod for him to use and found out on the water the bail screw was missing. :oops: I reached into the rod locker and retrieved a baitcaster and rod set up that was over $500.00 and adjusted it to beginner level. He picked it up and was casting like a pro minus 50% of the distance in no time. He hooked a few bass and was getting comfortable and said " man I would have got one of these years ago but everyone said they were really hard to use". I then reached into the box and handed him a $200.00 rod and reel set up adjusted to beginner level he spent the next 1/2 hour chasing overruns and knots. The lesson is quality does count and has a tangible outcome on tools and equiptment you use.


    When I buy tools or equipment I don't ask the price till I know the fit and the feel are what I want. Then it is time to find a source that will give me the most bang for the buck. The real reason for this is what good is a less expensive tool if you prefer another one over it? I have since passed down all of my "settling for and not quite" combos to people getting into the sport and do not know yet what fits them perfectly. I have only one stipulation and that they must pass it on to someone for free and I am happy to say some of the combos are on their 3rd and 4th owners now.




  11. OK your right I have never used the 3m system, it could be the miracle restorer you say it is, I will give you that. I was more referring to the other cleaners that were suggested in other posts. Call me cheap but a few dollars worth of sand paper and some water and elbow grease will remove the oxidization as well. My boat was fairly well oxidized to the point it was rough to the touch, I figured the gell coat was gone and I was down to the metal flake but I tried the method mentioned on the other web site and it worked excellent at a very low cost. I got less than $50 in materials in mine and that includes the wax. How much does the 3m kit cost ? Just asking. And I'm certainly no expert but if you burn through the gell coat with 1500 or 2000 grit wet sand paper and doing it by hand ...you need to rethink things.



    Good news all around the 3M product is around $40.00 US for the 3 bottles of product in the system. You are right also that it is tough to burn thru the coating with such a fine paper I have found people sometimes get fed up with the slow results of hand sanding and use a sander to "speed things up". I have see more burned edges from wet sanding than with the 3M system because sanding concentrates the pressure on your fingers which are uneven unless you use a semi soft sponge or blocker behind it. Don't get me wrong wet sanding is a good method to restore paint and with care will produce a great finished product it just takes more skill and attention than the 3M product does.



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