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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Thanks Art.. in full open it makes the noise... but when the valve is almost closed it stops... just figured this out...


    Sounds like I need to perform surgery..





    Replace ballcock, flapper, and supply tube then you are golden.




  2. Hey Gerritt,


    The issue is the ballcock is the filling mechanism that is malfunctioning. As the float on the ballcock lifts it applies pressure on a washer that has house pressure pushing past it. When the ball is exerting a down force almost equal to the house pressure it can cause the washer to vibrate rapidly and that hum is amplified by the water pipe. The cure for this is to replace the supply tube and the ballcock with a Stainless steel supply and a fluidmaster 400a filling mechanism.( Both are upgrades from the factory stuff you have) While you are their replace the flapper with a new one then you are good for a while. The second place the noise can come from is if the angle stop valve is not all of the way open. To test this you need to flush the toilet and while it is making the noise turn the valve to full open ( counter clockwise) and see if the noise stops and the filling flow is faster.




  3. Is this why my invitation to adbot to go fishin went unanswered?



    I vote we bring the little fellow back and see if he can help support this board and all of its Volunteer Moderators, coders and the man who created OFC. If all we need to do is see a few ads sprinkled in the threads I am good with it. You all might find that the ads are something you are interested in and by CLICKING on them you get some information and the adbot lets a few pennies fall in to the OFC account.The more "interest" shown to the ads the fewer sponsors we will need to advertise and support our OFC habit.




  4. First of all to tell the truth here your leaders failed to present themselves properly. They walked into a meeting with a bunch of pails trying to make american harvesters look bad but there efforts back fired on them. General public the only thing they got out of it was fifty fish died and were wasted to make a point, Even though I as well as others know these fish could still be used for consumption. from all the calls and e-mails I recieved from that picture in the paper calls as far away as Oshawa all they cared about were the fish they felt were wasted.I didn't feel it was my place to correct them yous caused the mess.After the picture of the packaged fish appeared which I got credit for but was someone elses Some councilors said that had put things in better precpective.I talked to my friend on this matter the one with the fish he is a resort owner but does not write on this site we came up with a plan that would be a win win plan for all parties involved. all we need is a meeting with the minister which I am working on know I have met with Minister befoe Dave Ramsey when he was in power.. To my American responder the only thing I have had a turn about on is the ice fishing and if you are a panfisherman fron the U.S. you probably bring your own bait anyway as for Billy Bob I think your jealous when was the last time any body thought enough of you to refer to you any more than just BILLY BOB OR WILLIAM ROBERT



    The assumption of whether or not I bring my bait... I do not think transporting native species from the U.S. to Canada is a wise idea besides if their is a savings it is minimal once you figure in the death rate of the bait. I also purchase the Sport fisherman license not because I harvest fish but to make sure Canada has the money to keep the ministry funded and the fishing as great as it is for years to come.


    I did take the time to reread your posts and you are correct the only one you crawfished on is the ice fishing...The portions other than that were full of rash statements and inflammatory comments that would not be said by someone trying to attract customers. "The avid fisherman are in my eyes some of the most crooked people in the mix". I am sure this quote from your previous post did not win you any new customers/ friends or help you explain the RLTA's position. I tried to keep it in context but the whole quote can be seen in this thread. I can find more examples if need be but since you are being polite to me I will extend you the same courtesy and limit it to one example.


    I hope that you can repair the damage you have done to your business but the first step will be to identify and apologize to the correct people. The second step is to attempt to be seen as an intelligent/rational/literate person from that platform your passion can be exhibited and respected by others. The people will not rally behind an incompetent leader.




  5. Hey the Mayors back for a cameo good for you Bud now if we can get Nanna back we can have two people crawfish.( back peddle for all of my none Cajuns). I am sure if you'll keep up the performance we can muster up the votes needed on this go round for you to win the oFN Emmy. I would have more respect for you if you had stuck to your original opinions/beliefs at least you could have pretended it was done out of ignorance instead of the hunt for the almighty dollar. I still have an open mind on the Rice lake as a fishing destination but Fergusons baitshop and Sunshine Cove will not see one American dime from me and my fishing group.




  6. To help us sort this out which lodges is it that Susan Irving Cogar, Randy Cogar and Mike Ferguson own? If they are the ones that are causing the negative press and situation it would seem that by naming their lodges it would be a show of solidarity of the other camps in that they are not the spokesperson for the RLTA. I can say at this point I will avoid the whole Rice Lake fishing just to prevent me from possible booking with the negative RTLA members.


    I commend you Mike for taking the time to explain the majority of the RTLA members true views and hope that time heals for the lodges that do not deserve the negative press.




  7. John the hot bite for the big girls are for the next few weeks and then again in the fall when the water returns to the 55-65 F range. When they say the cherry blossoms are at full bloom in Washington D.C. then it is the best time. The summer is a good time for the average cats between 10-40 lbs can be expected on the right day. I have a few photos in the catfish category of the OFC photo section that T.J. has opened upOFC fishing photo site.

  8. O.K. I am really peeoood I should have been in bed at 8:30 and here it is 9:57 and I am finally at the end of this brilliant soap opera. I want to nominate NANNA for an Oscar. The Mayor is my second choice. A special thanks to Roy for allowing us to keep track of the players with the I.P. cheat sheet.


    I will help the Rice Lake Tourism group.... I am here in Virginia USA and you have not advertised effectively to the point of getting my attention until you came here on OFC. The shame of it is you failed in your attempt to promote tourism in a positive light for the Rice Lake area. I have been coming up North and drive 14 hours to get to a catch and release resort (Nipissing) for the last 5 years. It is a shame that you all did not heed the advice earlier of promoting yourself here at OFC instead of putting on the Soap Opera.


    In closing I come to Canada for the people first and the fishing second. If you are a lodge owner a guest that sees you as a friend will return year after year even if they don't get to keep 500 fish.... sell yourselves first we are always watching you at camp and in the news.




  9. Mornin lew


    Here is a few tips that might help. I usually use the roller or brushes for the day and then wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator for the next days use. After all of the painting is done I discard the roller and only clean up the handle assembly and brushes. If you want to you also can preclean the brushes and rollers in a 5 gallon bucket and then let it stand for a day and just pour off the liquid, wipe out the bucket and discard the paper.




  10. Chuck Norris once got beat up by a girl scout on the way to a zamphire flute concert.



    Now give me a real hero like William Shatner he is the man!.He has survived no matter what is thrown at him he just keeps reinventing himself to fit the changing times.




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