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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I book a trip to lake Beauchene this summer, brought myself new rod and reel for this trip, well, the trip is not going to happen now, and I dont think I can afford these new toys, anyone want to take it off my hand?

    Shimano Stella 2500FD spinning reel

    BPS JMX10HD baitcasting reel

    JML72MT baitcasting rod

    Still brand new in box.


    Feel free to post them in the classified section if you want to part with them.




  2. Get out and fish The Catfish are at their easiest when the water is high. The Catfish turns into an ambush feeder in these water conditions.

    The first place to look for is were their is a break in the current. Deadfalls,log jams,wingdams,are a perfect place. Remember that you want to fish both sides of the water break the upper side is a place that holds slack water so don't rush to the down river side. Once anchored cast back to the slack water with your baits some near the edge were the water meets the fast water and some near the shore in sometimes 1 or 2 ft of water. Look for flooded areas were the water is over the bank and the grass is under 2 ft of water the fish are up their feeding on the worms that come out trying not to drown. The bite is the strongest when the water is rising or slack as it drops the fish tend to slow down on the bite. Their is usually organic trash in the water so you will need to watch your lines and clear the leaves as needed the leaves travel down the line and cover the bait. Have fun and please release the big girls for the future.




  3. John Oakley Francis or JohnF

    John was born in St. Mary’s on November 28th, 1945

    He passed on at Stratford General Hospital on Saturday April 16th, 2011


    The consummate leader, mentor and teacher John was never afraid to dedicate his time and opinions to help to try to improve the people around him. John was always following his current passion whether it was snowmobiles, motorcycles and auto racing in his younger adult years, tennis, golf, scuba diving, or his most recent love of fishing.

    John is survived by his wife Wendy (Hughes), son Matt, his mother Dorothy Francis, sister Lauren Francis, brother Richard Francis.


    He lived in Stratford Ontario





    John you gave a great deal to everyone here at OFC and you will be missed by many. Thanks for touching our lives and the wisdom you gave so freely.

  4. Aww shoot that is some really bad news in my book. I have looked forward to meeting John some day and have no idea he was ill. I wish the best to your family John and if they are in need I am sure we all here at OFC would be happy to repay the many debt's we owe John for his kindness and knowledge he gave so freely.





  5. time measured in smokes....distance measured in beers...its great to be a canadian!


    As soon as you adopt the 5 gallon bucket for volume then you will be a proud member of the new redneck Canadian units of measurement revolution.




  6. You still trying to design a special rod for me. :( Your making me feel left out :huh: . It's going to cost you a new decal or :whistling::D



    He already designed the perfect rod for you but Mattel already has the patent on Barbie and Barbie like products...




  7. You guys have some kick ass jobs! Wish I could share photos too but that would get me in trouble lol....besides I'm sure some members have been in the back of an office similar to mine smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif



    Yea pictures of a meth lab will get you in trouble.... whistling.gif




  8. I don"t plan to take it up the yahoo from anyone , without a fight. I've been told that, that maple leaf company and the big "S" control most of the gas in this country. They won't get my money!!!



    Even with your great passion this is a fight that you do not have a realistic answer for. Nor do I....





  9. The good news about Karma is it has different meaning to different people. It gives people a chance to express a value that they aspire too or can fall too. If they use Karma as a path to their final reward be it God, Buddha, or a comet and it keeps them from becoming a negative in society then Karma is a good thing. The negative side of Karma is often mentioned to give balance to the scale of Karma. Who can judge a scale if it has no parameters? If a persons scale is defined as 1 for killing someone and 10 for saving someone then he is on the road of major swings in his decision making process. If you scale is closer to society norm. then you have a better chance of not becoming an burden on society.




  10. The truth of the matter is the C.O. is not judging you as guilty he is taking a report from what he sees and hears and putting it down as a violation. The decision is the judges as to your guilt or innocents.When you bought the license you were given an opportunity to see all of the rules and by signing the license you are telling them you understand and will comply with the rules. It is up to you to know the rules to prevent you from getting a ticket from the C.O. If you do not read the rules or if you did not call them for clarity on a rule then you are guilty. Send them the $180.00 and don't waste a days wages in court on top of it.Getting a ticket is not personal it is one man doing the job you hired him to do with the money you spent for your license.




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