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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. If you are on the latest update 4.0.? you get the option of a 3 screen split on the HDS7. It may be on the others but on the 7 you can run the 200hZ with the 800HZ and the map all at the same time. I have used the 200hz set at return levels to just shadowing a firm bottom and when the signal drops out you have found weeds or mud. With the 800hz you can confirm the weeds and set it to just showing the weeds and any mid water returns that are soft returns are fish with hard returns being wood or debris. The info is endless with these units and the more you play with them the more you understand how powerful a tool they are.




  2. I don't think I would spend the money for the unit you mention, which is over $1600 in Canada plus tax, but heaven knows I spend a lot on fishing. But if I had the chance to do it again I wouldn't buy the cheaper Lowrance... or Hummingbird.... DSI units at this time.


    While expensive it is a valuable tool I use for fishing and depth sounding on the bay and ocean. It can at the correct settings differentiated between a school of Rock Fish and a school of Shad. The ability to locate Blue Catfish hanging on the wood or mussel beds and separate the targets is a tool that makes trips more productive. While anchored you can see the fish move from their location as a streak and when you drop anchor the turbulence shows up as a ghost of bubbles and after words the anchor line is visible. While this unit is not for everyone because of the cost it is technology that is light years ahead of the depth finders of yesteryear.



  3. I can not speak for the Mark V DSI series however the HDS7 with the LSS-1 does not even come close to looking as poorly as the unit you are using. Once set up correctly using the extensive array of controls and settings you can read the water like no other units I have seen to date. If you find you are not impressed with the Mark V I suggest you look at the more expensive units before you write off Lowrance for me it has been the best electronics I have used on the water. Thanks for the report on Lowrances cheapest DSI unit it seems they need to do some work in a few areas before they continue selling it to the public before the ruin their DSI name.




  4. Have you found out legally what you need to be a guide? What licenses are required? What medical training do you have to have? What equipment is needed to comply as a boat for hire? Is a Captains license required for the area you fish? Cover all of these bases before you decide to be a Guide. I would also price out what it cost per trip including all of the insurance , advertising, give aways and expendables like bait and tackle that you will replace on a time bases. I am not trying to talk you out of it but go into this with a budget and plan to cover slow times and down times when you can't be on the water. I did the math and found I would be better off working for $15.00 an hour ( that was with a $1.00 per hour profit after expenses) for a large guiding company than going at it as a single guiding service... the overhead was just to much to make a year round living with a 8 month fishing season down South. I decided to keep the fun in fishing and while I guide people it is for free and I chose to make my money as I always have doing Plumbing.




  5. Thats about a normal price for used boats down here in the USA. I read the prices that people ask up North and I am amazed that people pay them for a used boat. You should receive a title signed by an authorized person both for a trailer and the boat. A bill of sale with the price of the boat and the price of the trailer stated. A copy of the death certificate and a copy of the dispersion document as to who has the right to the boat and is cleared to sell it. You can also request instead to have someone title it in their name and purchase it from that party if you think their will be an issue with legal ownership of the boat and no one to sign over the title.




  6. Since it is your dad buying the phone or paying for the plan it is HIS choice on what phone he gets for you. If he decides that you need to be reachable on his dime why should he pay for the upgraded features you want that will cost him more money not only on the purchase of the phone but also monthly. What are you offering him for an upgraded phone and plan? I am sure if you put something on the table that has a monetary value he would be more willing to discuss the phone upgrade. In the end if you have a vested interest in the cost of the phone/plan you will find it a character growing experience that will help you and your dad make future decisions on the expenses of growing up.


    BTW if you go on a public forum and ask a question of this nature and include the details that you have you will get both types of answers... some that will help your cause and some that don't.




  7. Ok Art, I am also on a septic system, I have a green sand filter to remove iron and sulpher, a water softener, and a 5 stage RO system for drinking water (although we also have a UV system to insure that all our water is safe). Now I can only imagine how much water these systems are putting into my field bed, would I be better discharging the waste water into some kind of evaporator system at least for the summer? Oh, and our airconditioner also discharges to the septic system.




    The greensand filter and the water softener are about 80 gallons each per backwash cycle and a RO unit is 5 gallon waste per 1 gal made. The RO unit is not a concern because you are using it in small doses it is like running a faucet slowly when it replenishes the reservoir. The greensand filter and the water softener should be set up so they backwash on different days or at least stagger the timers. Set one units clock ahead 2 hours and the other one 1 hour before the actual time. Most units are hard programmed to backwash at 2:00 A.M. Then set the date on Monday for one and Wed for the other or 1 and 3 depending on what they use for their counter indicator. The washing of the systems are on the greensand just water and the water softener uses a brine solution to release the bond of the resin and the minerals. As long as your septic system is not showing signs of ground softness on the field you are fine. With the staggering of the units you will be doing as much as you can short of enlarging the fields. If it does become an issue the greensand filter can be illegally run to another place other than the septic field with no bad results except for a code violation (IN THE USA) but could be legal in Canada.




  8. When I was really going for distance surf casting we used lighter fluid but it was only good for a few hours but the casts you got would be fantastic. Now I use synthetic Transmission fluid or dot5 brake fluid both do not attract water but dot 3&4 are a no no they will cause damage and rust to occur.



  9. Discharged sodium in an above ground situation is considered a level 1 hazardous material violation. The sodium does not evaporate and can not be purged from the ground it must be removed and new soil deposited. The old soil must be hauled away as contaminated soil just as it it had lead in it big buck here in the USA. That said I would have the lid on the distribution box opened Not the tank and see if it has flow and if it is covered in salt crystals. It could be your are not using the amount of water to get the water in the field to rise high enough to water the grass. You also might have enough moister in the area to have a fungus or grub infestation. Any septic system that is rated for lets say a 3 bedroom house and then a water softner is added the drainfield in theory should be upgraded to a 4 bedroom perk as a rule of thumb. You also want to check to make sure that the unit is not cleaning itself more often than needed a mechanical timer VS a metered time makes a big difference on a mechanical does it on a timer and the metered only cleans when you have used the volume of water it is set for. A power outage does have the ability on some units for it to reset it's memory and it will go into limp mode and clean more frequently.




  10. Welcome and here is a blurb that might help you post pictures.



    How do I upload a pic right on the post?

    Below the Rich Text Editor (RTE)..thats the area you enter your text for a post...you will see a 'File Attachments' field. Click browse and navigate to the image. Then choose 'Open' fromt he file browser and 'Add this attachment'. If you have multiple images, you can select where they go by using the 'Manage Attachments' option. Put your cursor where you want the image, and select the appropriate image for that spot.

    Not that all uploaded images are displayed as thumbnails.



    How do I include an image from another site or from the gallery into a post?

    It's even easier than before. Copy the image properties. In Internet Explorer, right click on the image at full size, select 'Properties' and hilight and copy (CTRL+C) the image URL. Make sure to get the image URL and not the page URL. In FIrefox, right click the image then select 'Copy Image Location'.

    Then in your post, click the image button (looks like a little tree). A pop-up window comes up. Just press CTRL+V (or right click, paste) and the image is put into your post right away. You can even see it without having to preview first.


    This should get you on the right track




  11. Every time you click on someones name at a post and visit the profile it is a hit. In one day I got over two hundred hits when I moderated a long time member. If you want to keep your count down just be very quiet and read a lot.




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