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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I'm always happy to see them too, but it would be nice if they did, indeed, ENFORCE the rules :wallbash:


    Around here anyways........not sure what its like where you are Art.




    Actually they do a very good job enforcing the rules. I was issued a ticket a few years ago because my fire Extinguisher was in the red zone. I could complain that they should have let me slide because it was on the boat. The truth is though if I had needed it and it was flat what good is it? It was my fault for not checking it before the season so I believe it or not was happy I got the ticket. When they show up in an area they go from boat to boat and check everyone for compliance of the rules if you are not correct out comes the book. I wish they were not spread so thin we see them on average 4 times a year in the places I fish but the helicopters are always near by for a rescue if it is needed.


    On a side note I have been checked up North at Nipissing a few times and found the MNR to be just as professional as I expect them to be. Visiting all of the boats in the area and even cautioning me while not a ticketing offense my U.S. approved life jackets were not legal because the did not have the Canadian approval on them.




  2. I had the pleasure of meeting my local DNR last Saturday. He pulled up with the bumpers down and I asked him what would he like to see. He said everything you can show me without dropping your pants. He called out 5 items and checked my paperwork and license then we chatted about the fishing for a few minutes. I sent them on the way with a soda and a big thank you for their effort and time. I was glad to see them out on the water and I am happy they are around to keep the peace and enforce the rules.




  3. WE are at 72 F here and the topwater bite is working well. We are using the soft frogs and finding good hookups. Some of the popper lures with the single hook were still hit or miss. This is for Bass down here that are in season though.




  4. It is amazing how the prize table fills up from all of the generous donations from those that show up. We also like to thank our sponsors that have been very generous also even when they can not make it to the get together. It seems every year everyone gets a little something for their enjoyment no matter what place they come in. So if you have something for the table new or used feel free to bring it with you it will find a new home and you can be sure a smile from it's new owner. Don't forget to bring your appetite T.J. and the crew cook up a mean mess of fish.





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