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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. LOL ..... Wish i had a good reply but i don't .

    I got one for you... send a check to "I got the smart reply for roy" 123 Main St. anywhere Canada 2l5o3. I'll email it back to you in 2 weeks after the check clears.


    Mornin folks



  2. Deet 100 keeps the bugs from eating my Southern sweet blood. I know it is bad for the body so it only gets applied on the clothing. A nice bug suit completes the fashion statement for y'alls comedic enjoyment. :w00t: Funny thing is I never need either down here were I live and play though it seems Canada has just a few more of them hungry little buggers.





  3. While having the correct amount of rope out, it is more important to have the correct chain attached to the anchor. The chain has 2 functions one is abrasion the other is it gives the anchor the correct lay for the flukes to dig in. 6 to 9 ft or 8 lb. is recommended then the rope is attached using between a 5 to 7 : 1 ratio per foot of rode for a good overnight set. I have a 28ft cabin cruiser that worked well until I replaced it as an articulated plow anchor due to the bottom I set in (mud/sand).




  4. I am running the hds 7 lss1 unit and it is a world of difference on what you see under the boat. That said the fish image could be a fish that is moving thru the beam. I know that I have been over a school of fish drifting thru the area and have gotten some amazing views underwater. I then spooked the fish and the images elongate kind of like smoke off a fire view. I am not knocking the unit it is still the best view you can get without a camera and clear water.




  5. Bill you can check Iboats for some leads and also search for bass fishing forums here in the USA they have some great deals going on. Remember to check for titles for both the boat and the trailer and get Bill of Sale for each unit. I know you all have some tax reasons for them being separate.




  6. Go get um you got 4 rods to use now. You will find you are spoiled after awhile and will fish with 3 and 4 rods rigged at a time. I have usually 4 rods rigged one with top water, one with spinner bait, one with senco and the last one has a crank bait. You can then as you move from spot to spot figure out what the fish want in that area as the areas change without retying lures.



  7. Actually getting a boat motor from being submerged back and running is not hard you can sink one for a week and get it running by draining and re-lubricating it and running it up to temperature. The issues that pop up are for a motor that has been sunk and not drained,lubbed and run up to temperature as soon as it is exposed to air. Let the same motor sit for even a few days and you will have rust thru out the motor that will shorten its life or damage it to the point were a rebuild is needed or worse. I have sunk jetskis when I used to race them and between races drained them and refired them for the next heat with no ill effects. Most of the boats that sink that the owners do not want to refloat the motors have not been refired and no preventative measure done to try to stop the damage the water did.




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