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Everything posted by JorgeCarlos

  1. does anyone know of a fishing gear store in Buffalo??? thanks
  2. Smitty i use a pice of foam with a hole in the middle for the transducer.
  3. good luck everybody,lots of fun and be safe
  4. thanks Mark and congrats on a great fishing. Jorge
  5. http://www.delawarevalleyoutdoors.com/How%...0Rig%20Worm.bmp
  6. will this work even a 30 feet down?? thanks
  7. Terry any idea where can i get one and how much??? thanks i appreciate your help
  8. thanks Gerrit
  9. my motor is a 1980 Merc. 80 hp.
  10. can power trim be added to an older motor?? and where can i look for one/can be a used one?? thanks a lot
  11. I think the marina on hwy#7 close to #27
  12. like Terry said it i got it from some friend and i thought was interesting enough to post here,i did not know that thing its been around world and back,if someone got mad too bad
  13. This is the new record in Canada. He caught it on the Winnipeg River,by Seven Sisters, in Manitoba. (Just North East of Winnipeg). Check this thing out.. The last picture is unbelievable! This guy (in the photos below), was fishing and caught a 36" Pike - as he was reeling it in, a 56" Pike tried to eat it!!!!! He brought them both in at the same time in the same net. Awesome catch on a river in Canada - 55lbs-56 inches.
  14. the wind was calm, i will go later to see the weight in
  15. This morning went to Sibbald point park to see the blast off of the Bass pro open at lake Simcoe, 60 boats,was foggy but everything went well, no pics yet.
  16. FishTv is name of the camera for $120 @ Lebaron's
  17. I just got this underwater camera and like to know if anybody has any good or bad experience with it
  18. no problem for me,works just fine,nice lttle combo
  19. I just bought couple at Jane&Lawrence dollar store,money detect
  20. Hello everybody, i would like to know what to fish for in Pensylvania lake?? i will be there tomorrow to Monday..... thanks in advance
  21. I will be there tomorrow morning at #943 i belive, maybe we can hook up.... i dont know much about the lake but i will try
  22. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  23. I have a 16.5 Fiberglass bowrider with Merc. 80hp great for fishing and play with the family
  24. great news!!!
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