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About addy79

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  1. That’s sad to hear... Small town Canada is what this country is all about; supporting local business and being independent of big box and big towns allows them to keep their identity. I always appreciated the fact that the masses tend to venture no further than about 250km North, leaving the ‘true North’ to guys like us. But maybe that just kills towns like Temagami while places like Huntsville are hijacked/overwhelmed by tourists. Seeing old photos of Model T’s making the treacherous drive to places like Temagami almost 100 years ago blows me away...almost as much as it blows me away how few make the drive up today
  2. Beauty fish, cuz! A true “Unicorn”
  3. Irisfield, is the downturn in tourism a “Covid thing” or just gradual? I Can’t believe Temagami isn’t the tourism paradise it once was!
  4. Great handle!
  5. Shore lunch, obvi!
  6. Dude, I'm surprised by how much quality info was given to this thread a few years back! Run with it!!
  7. This is a little concerning. I'm assuming a 2006 would Be okay with most?
  8. Thanks for the offer Big Cliff!! If it's not too much trouble it would be very much appreciated.
  9. Thanks for the offer Big Cliff!! If it's not too much trouble it would be very much appreciated.
  10. Thanks, I'll check it out
  11. Really? I see. Do you know of any websites to help with my search. I thought kijiji would be filled with them but not so...
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