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Everything posted by lilkynan

  1. Blondes - Brunettes and Red Heads
  2. They have logged the park since the beginning of Canada - As with any resource - if managed properly - will last forever
  3. Does anyone have a good spot to go to with the family that has the following - 2 kids can play on a safe beach - 9 years old - gradual slope into lake - play area etc - a dock to park and a launch for my boat - privacy - fishing with fish - about $1000 - kitchen and 2 bedroom - clean - no more than 4 hours north of Barrie Anything???
  4. Was a great weekend - Sunshine - not too hot - kids had a great time at Hutchison Beach - and my little guy got about 20 blackfly bites!!! Wow - has that town changed in 10 years - especially over HWY 60!! - Its almost a new town - You were right misfish - the sign says 9 kph in the canals and the locals got upset about me doing that. But all in all - it was a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! Thanks for the info
  5. How has the Pike fishing been the past few years?
  6. Used to work at Hidden Hitch, then left ASAP - so heading there this weekend with the boat to do a little cruising. Wonder how much has changed?? Where is the best public launch there now? Any ex - HH people on here??? Later
  7. Call Hidden Hitch in Huntsville - sometimes they even forget to send the bill!!!
  8. My inlaws are coming up for the weekend, and my father in law never fishes but said he would like to go out for a morning. I beleive that seniors over 65 do not require a license - is this correct? - Cant find my "current" reg book from two years ago. TY
  9. Thanks clamp it - very true statement - but when you work for an american who was sent here as a penalty, and then they move you, and then lay off 140 of 150 people, and then he blames you for his bad choices, ......... you hafta wonder. For the past 8 months since moving I have kept my head tall and my honest. But - it is time ......
  10. Garmin Etrex hand held for way points and geocaching and a Lowrance iway 250 - the only driving and marine navigational system on the market
  11. Right now I am a senior Canadian operations manager, but would cut grass!!! Seriously - I am a 15 year experienced senior materials and operations manager in heavy manufacturing both union and non with experience from 25 to 1300 people under me. But -
  12. Looking for a new job - tired of the Senior Management CRAP!!! If you have any leads - please let me know - even pm me Thanks
  13. Thanks Ian - turns out with my 3 liter - 4400 - 4800 is peak and top range - only had her at 4000 on Monday and hit 40 mph - so will bring her up to 4800 this weekend if smooth and see what happens. Thanks all
  14. I have read all the books that came with my machine - but what is the "Red Line" rev for this inboard?? year - 2003 3.0 litre Alpha 1 nothing extra added - regular series Want to find my top speed with this motor on my boat with GPS so I can advertise to sell TY The Bare
  15. Tough
  16. Not a need for Barrie - actually anywhere from Hamilton to Peterbrough? - Even a cottage factory if good. TY
  17. I have an 18' bowrider and want to get a fitted cover done for her. We are in Barrie, and would like to talk to and set up this for next week to be done. Does anyone have and know of a good contact in the Barrie area who does this and at a fair cost. Thanks
  18. Heard that there was a power outage this week in Nanticoke - so I guess gas will be $1.50 by Friday at 5 pm - May 18 - 2007 Also heard there was a poll by the governement asking if we would pay 50% more for gas to save the enviroment. Dont see how this will save the earth - just ensures that the pigs at the troph keep lining their pockets while the man gets screwed!!! This is in the back rooms in Ottawa - 50% increase for car gas, heating gasses, electricity - to save the enviroment????? Time to stand with arms!!!!
  19. Yea - musky bait!!! - did you lip him and guess the wait with the wife not looking!!! WTG - now you will have a fishing buddy in 7 years!!! - then they leave you alone....
  20. Anyone here have a kid in the tyke Tornado house league in Barrie? My son is now in Barrie playing and we were wondering if there were any other fishing families in the league that we can meet up on Kempenfelt for a fish weekend?
  21. Good search idea - I have an 8 and 9 year old and if anyone has a small pair of kids they want to pass on - let me know Tracker - will keep an eye out for you in Barrie for some long skis at garage sales for you
  22. 1.5 oz Canadian Rye Whisky 1.5 oz Sweet Vermothe some ice and a cherry
  23. Saw two hens yesterday, and a coyote walked within 5 yards past me and did not even notice me. Then I fell asleep - don't know if I was snoring, but did not see anything all afternoon -
  24. Living in Barrie and willing to drive 4 hours with two little ones. Looking for a place with launch dock beach for kids does not need to be the Ritz godd fishing Any ideas??? Thanks
  25. Yup - done it once during my first year with the boat - sitting at fishermans pier under the skyway - star the boat up and my daughter says Daddy - why is there water coming out of the motor??? Gotta do it once to remember always
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