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Everything posted by Hedfish

  1. Welcome to the board!
  2. Grats, Cliff! Although "Cliff caught another salmon yesterday" news is getting stale
  3. Happy birthday, man!
  4. Unbelievable! Grats, guys! Finally I am going salmon fishing too tonight (for the first time), now can I borrow that trout hat for an evening?
  5. Woohoo, grats man! Stop going there please, leave some salmon for the rest of us!!
  6. Guys, how much test should be the leader used for a 20LB braided main line? What's the logic here? Thanks!
  7. How long was your shock leader?
  8. Grats, man! Great story, made me wish to try for salmon as well.
  9. Unbelievable!..
  10. This happened to me without any TV nerves
  11. Great fish, grats!
  12. Aha! Thank you! The fins on mine were so green, it looked like some kind of poisonous fish, the guys were afraid to touch it, lol.
  13. Misfish, what kind of fish is that? I caught it once and we couldn't identify it.
  14. Great post, Lew, and it sounds like your brother was a great man. So sad..
  15. Hehe, a busy weekend! Sounds like you need another long weekend to get some rest after this one!
  16. Sounds like a great trip! Jedi, what color Blue Fox are you using? I heard some good things about it and I am planning to buy one, just not sure which one to get.
  17. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I don't a giant in those pictures. Still a beautiful scenery though.
  18. Lake Trout on Simcoe = 2nd Sat in May, limit is 2.
  19. Great report and great pics, you got some seriously nice scenery over there.
  20. Wow! Very nice spring indeed!
  21. Hehe, tell me about it. I know I should be working, but I can't stop browsing the forum and all the links from here. Just finished reading the pike article in the latest OFC Magazine, good stuff, I am itching to fish for pike this coming weekend. As for pictures, I hope I'll have something to post soon, but most likely it will be "OMG I didn't know these can get this small!" kind of pictures.
  22. Thank you for the warm welcome, guys. I gotta update my profile... I live in Toronto, so I fish around here as well - Simcoe, Bobcageon (sp?), GB area. Once I went to Kingston area (some smaller lake up north from the city) and it was just awesome. Oh and I went to Belwood once, but didn't see any fish there Like I said, I am just starting, it's more exploration than fishing so far. Trying to find some spots to fish is pretty cool, I wish I had more time though. And a boat, lol.
  23. Hi guys, I've been lurking around for a few months now and finally decided to register. You seem to have a pretty nice community here, it's been fun to read some of the posts. There is not much to say about myself. I love fishing, even though I started fishing only last year. So, obviously, I am very new to all this stuff, but to be honest, I consider it a good thing - everything is new to me, every fish caught is an achievement and there are so many species I haven't caught yet, so all this fun is still ahead of me. I don't get out as much as I'd like - my 2 fishing buddies seem to be busy all the time and I don't like going alone. Hopefully it will improve this year, we'll see. So far, I am more of a theoretic fisherman. Well, here I am, don't laugh at me too much if I ask something stupid.
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