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Posts posted by Cast-Away

  1. Mike, there have been plenty of jerks on this board over the years. The good ones stick around and the others move on to the next board to poke at people.


    The internet can be a cowardly place.


    I read all of your adventures and have for years. I don't like to say great story or great post unless I have more to say.


    Keep it up, you have many fans!

  2. I love the jiggy reports and did notice less and less of them. For sure you have to book a week with the kids in January when they are planning out their year.


    We just got back from our annual week on 12 Mile Bay on GBay. Been doing this since 2001 and it is their highlight for the year!

  3. Very cool Lew. There is a colonel out of Trenton who has a cottage in the 30,000 islands and he often flies over it with the crew as part of their flight training.


    The Lanc flew over downtown TO on Sunday. My uncle was a gunner in one during WWII and made it through his tour although my dad said his brother was never the same after that.

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